The Death of a Queen

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For months things were great. Peter and I went on adventures together and we became the best of friends. Sometimes it felt like we were more than that with all the flirty looks, and comments. But Peter never asked to court me in any sort of fashion. And one thing I was quick to notice was that he was very friendly with all kinds of women throughout the galaxy...

I was cleaning my ship one evening with Aren and we were just spending some quality time together. As I had been spending all my time with Peter.

    "Thanks for your help, Aren. Can you just clean the arsenal and I think we will be done." I huffed with my hands on my hips looking around.

    "Of course." Aren nodded.

He left the front of the ship and went down below to our arsenal. I finished wiping the screens in the kitchen area when suddenly the one I was wiping, lit up as someone was calling. I raised a brow at my screen and clicked the green answer button.

    "Hello?" I asked carefully.

    "Y/n? Is that you?" Thor's voice came through the monitor.

    "Yes, it's me." I said quickly allowing the video feed to go on. As both of our screens turned on I quickly knew something was wrong. My brother's face was solemn and his eyes were puffy. "What's wrong, Thor?" I asked softly, dread filling my being.

    "Y/n, it's... Our Mother... She is dead." Thor spoke lowly and I gasped.

    "I-I... What? How?" I gasped as I took a seat in shock.

    "Dark Elves invaded Asgard, Y/n. Her life was taken by one named Malekith. Mother was trying to protect Jane."

    "Jane? What's wrong with Jane?" I asked quickly. "Why is she on Asgard?" I asked with a frown.

    "Due to the oncoming convergence she was portalled to the place the Aether was being kept. It bonded and infected her. We were trying to safely remove it from her body when it attracted the Dark Elves." Thor explained and I listened intently. "I was hoping you would be near by to make it to Mother's funeral."

    "Oh, Thor. I-I don't know." I said unsure.

    "She would have wanted you there. Do not let Father's harsh sentencing keep you from coming home. I know you and you would regret it if you didn't come." Thor sighed and I knew he was right.

    "Okay." I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "I will be there, albeit I likely won't be able to come as myself."

    "Don't worry. I will help keep you shielded. It will take place tomorrow at night fall." Thor said warmly. "I will see you soon, sister."

    "See you soon, brother."

I ended the call and slumped into my seat.

    "Hey, so I brought some Zarg-nuts, cheese, and some space boxes for lunch. Figured you were probably hungry after all that cleaning." Peter said as he walked into the ship. He looked up as he entered into the kitchen area to see me blankly staring. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Peter's soft voice carried through me like a bag of bricks. My Mother was dead and I missed it. I wasn't there for her, or my people. I pulled my knees up to my chest and began to cry, letting tears flow from my eyes. In all the years I've been alive I don't think I've ever been saddened enough to allow myself to shed tears. Even when I've been in pain. I couldn't help it.

Peter quickly set down the snacks and lunches on the table before rushing over beside me. Bending down and wrapping his arms around my body. I sobbed and sobbed, getting his shirt all wet as I had wrapped myself around him. Aren had heard the commotion and walked upstairs looking between us confused. Peter only shrugged at him as I made no effort to tell either of them what was wrong. Aren motioned for Peter to bring me back to my sleeping quarters so I might lay down to relax.

Without even trying to see if I would walk there. Peter scooped me up into his arms and carried me to my bedroom on the ravenger ship. Tears continued to flow from my eyes. I wasn't even sure how so much water could be built up in my body because it just kept coming...

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