The Battle Of Xandar: Part Two

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I squeezed Peter's hand and kissed his cheek before letting go and running off after Gamora. As we ran forward we came across where Nebula's body had been blown back too. Her mechanical self began slowly piecing itself back together. She stood to her feet and her jaw was the last piece to put it self back into place. She glared at the both of us as we approached her.

"Nebula, sister, please." I begged as I moved forward.

I nearly was right in front of her when she twitched and she began attacking me. I blocked her with my arm and twisted it around her, throwing her over my shoulder and down to the floor. Gamora ran towards the security doors outlet and pulled down the tube that we needed to shut down. Nebula sat on the floor and she pulled out her swords. She swung out her leg and I grunted as I fell to the floor on my back.

Nebula jumped over me and ran towards Gamora quickly slicing her arm hitting metal. Gamora yelled and moved away from the tube and backed up angrily. Nebula swung and swung her two swords at our sister and Gamora ducked and dodged the blades. I jumped from the floor back onto my feet and stuck out my hand. A blast of silver light shot out and hit Nebula in the back. She grunted and turned her anger on me as she was only pushed slightly from my blast.

As we engaged with Nebula, she was doing a pretty good job at keeping us at bay. Granted I could see between all of us we weren't using our full potential. As mad as she may seem, Nebula was still our sister and our vow as kids still seemed to stand. We were sisters first, always. Nebula used electrical blades as Gamora used her sword. My fist were floating with silver mist as I used powered up charges to hit her with.

A blast exploded next to us and the three of us wobbled off balance. A giant explosion occurred and caused a hole to rip through the side the ship. I looked out to see all the starships that had lined up on the outside creating a barrier against the Dark Aster had exploded. My heart sunk in my chest, knowing Aren wouldn't have survived, but I had to keep going.

Nebula came at me with her electric sword all charged up. Her swords clanged with my metal asgardian wrist coverings and I pushed her away. I reached up with my leg wrapping it around her arm with a yell and I twisted throwing the sword out of her hand.

Suddenly she pulled out something from her side and clicked a button. A large pole grew out from the device and she stabbed into in my stomach, electrocuting me. I yelled in pain, feeling all the bolts pulsing through my body. When Gamora jumped on her back and grabbed the pole, holding it back against Nebula's throat. I gasped for air as the pain stopped coursing through my body. The two fought each other moving closer and closer to the open hole on the ship. Nebula's foot crossed the edge causing the two to fall and slide down. Both of them grunting and yelling.

"NO!" I yelled and I ran towards the edge.

I jumped down after them with my foot out in front of me, stopping me from going to far. Gamora hadn't gone as far, stopping herself as well. I grabbed her arm and helped her upright and we both moved down the ship debris towards Nebula who hung over the edge of the ship.

"Nebula!" Gamora and I yelled coming closer to her.

I noticed her hand was caught between some metal and that was the only thing holding her from falling to what would likely be her death.

"Sister, help us fight Ronan!" Gamora yelled to her as we both reached out hands down towards her. "You know he's crazy!"

"I know you're all crazy." Nebula snarled.

"Nebula, don't!" I yelled and lunged for her.

Nebula hit her own hand making it detached from her body. Gamora grabbed my feet and I just barely missed grabbing her. I watched as Nebula fell onto a Ravager ship and pounded her way through the windshield. I sighed and Gamora pulled me back up towards her. We climbed back up into the ship and with Gamora's sword we hit the glass tank. It beeped as it shattered and I reached inside grabbing the wires and pulling them out. Destroying the shield.

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