A Heavy Price To Pay

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I had no idea what awaited us on Vormir. Thanos, Gamora and I traveled there by portal with the Space Stone. The vast majority of which we could see when we stepped from the portal was all sand. The skies were a pink and purple hue with clouds. The sky had a massive eclipsed moon displayed beautiful in the clouds leaving an ominous feel to the place. If it wasn't for the unknown about it I would say it was quite beautiful.

Gamora and I stayed close to each other as we walked through the sands following behind Thanos towards the only mountain in the distance.

    "The stone had better be up there." Thanos stated as we all looked upon the mountain. "For your sister's sake."

The three of us hiked the frosty mountain until we reached the top. A looming figure in the distance began to make me feel uneasy. Thanos walked forward still leading the way in front of us. The baby in my womb kicked and I carefully placed a hand over my belly trying to do so without Thanos knowing. Gamora gave me a concerned look but I brushed her off. I was fine, it was only slightly painful. The figure floated across the ground over towards us.

    "Welcome, Thanos, son of Alars." The floating man said. As he got closer I could see he only had a black cloak and his face was bright red, with no skin. Only that of a skull. "Gamora, Daughter of Thanos. Y/n, Daughter of Thanos and Odin. And the unborn son of Peter Quill..."

My breath hitched in my throat. Gamora moved closer to my side as Thanos looked down at me with a blank face. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. My face was sure to read that of fear and surprise. My unborn child was a boy, that I was glad for, but now Thanos knew of my pregnancy. His unreadable face turned back to look at the cloaked figure.

    "You know us?" Thanos asked with a slight question in his voice.

    "It is my curse to know all who journey here."

    "Where is the Soul Stone?" Thanos questioned.

    "You should know... It extracts a terrible price." The Red Skull replied to him. His voice echoing off the walls around us.

    "I am prepared."

    "We all think that at first. We are all wrong."

The Red Skull lead us further up the mountain, up the cobbled stair way until we reached the top with no further to go. There stood two towers and beyond those was that of a giant cliff. Wind blew all around us and it was as harsh as it was cold. A slight layer of snow fell over the ground.

    "How is it you know this place so well?" Thanos asked.

    "A lifetime ago, I, too, sought the stones. I even held one in my hand. But it cast me out, banished me here. Guiding others to a treasure I cannot possess. What you seek lies in front of you. As does what you fear." He explained.

    "What's this?" Gamora asked looking over the side of the cliff.

    "The price." The Red Skull informed her. "Soul holds a special place amongst the Infinity Stones. You might say it has a certain wisdom."

    "What exactly does it need?" I asked trying to hide the worry behind my question.

    "To Ensure that whoever possesses it, understands it's power... The Stone demands a sacrifice."

I looked up at Thanos's face. His nearly nonexistent eyebrow were furrowed together as he tried to make sense of the Red Skull's words.

    "Of what?" Thanos demanded.

    "In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love..." Thanos's head turned quickly towards the Red Skull as he spoke. "A soul for a soul."

I stared at Thanos's face as he turned to look at both Gamora and I. When his eyes met mine, fear and sadness filled his eyes. I wish I could have thought to myself that it was a trick but it wasn't... He moved to look over the edge of the cliff when, suddenly I began to hear a small snicker, then it turned into a bigger laugh. I turned my head to look at my sister. She was laughing...

    "All my life, I dreamed of a day a moment... When you got what you deserved." Gamora explained as she looked up at Thanos. "And I was always so disappointed. But now... You kill and torture and you call it mercy. The universe has judged you. You asked it for a prize, and it told you no. You failed. And do you wanna know why? Because you love nothing. No one."

    "Gamora..." I whispered as I moved closer to her. She stopped only for a second to look at me, while I pulled her sleeve. Thanos' back that had been turned towards us, turned around, revealing his face.

    "No..." He whispered ever so softly.

Tears. Actual tears were falling down his face. Those tears sent a sinking feeling into my gut and I worried.

    "Really? Tears?" She asked sarcastically.

    "They're not for him." The Red Skull informed her.

    "You've got to be kidding me." I said as I slowly back away from Thanos, guiding Gamora behind me.

    "No." She said while shaking her head.

    "No is right. You don't love us." I stated firmly.

    "I ignored my destiny once. I cannot do that again... Even for either of you." Thanos said sadly.

    "Gamora, I love you." I whispered to her.

    "Y/n, I love you too." Gamora whispered back.

Quickly she reached for the knife in Thanos's belt. Her knife. She attempted to plunge it into her own stomach. While my fists lit up. I tried to take all the energy inside me, with a tear dropping down the side of my face and as atomic waves began to encircle me and my unborn child. I apologized inside my head and closed my eyes, ready to blow up the planet, myself, my unborn child, my sister and Thanos. It's for the good of the entire universe.

Until suddenly the power went away. As I opened my eyes, Gamora's knife disappeared from her stomach. Not a single pierce to her skin had been made as she moved her hands and only bubbles appeared. My power dismissed and all that was left was the bubbles surrounding my hands as my mist faded away. My eyes widened realizing he had somehow stopped us from taking our own lives. Gamora and I made eye contact with each other.

    "I am sorry, little ones."

Thanos reached outward and grabbed Gamora's arm and mine. A blue portal appeared beside me and he forced me closer to it.

    "NO!" I screamed.



I watched for a mere moment seeing Gamora trying to fight her way out of Thanos' grip. He looked between the two of us, letting go of my arm. I fell backwards through the portal and it closed around me. I screamed and fell until I hit my back. Immediately I stood up and looked around. Neither Gamora or Thanos was anywhere to be found... My stomach churned and I threw up as tears streamed down my face.

Everything was a mess. I had failed. I failed to stop him, I failed to save my sisters. I failed to protect the world. It was all my fault.


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