Death Surrounds Us

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Gamora, Nebula and I finally reached the surface of the world. The three of us supported each other as we walked towards the Ravager ship that awaited us. The entire planet shook ask we climbed onto the ship. I noticed Mantis was onboard alone, Drax must have been up top. Gamora and I walked over to her and checked on her. She had a good pulse and seemed to be okay.

Gamora stayed by her side and Nebula sat a few feet away just watching, while I got up and paced the ground. There was only maybe a minute left and Peter, Yondu, Rocket and Groot weren't back yet. Suddenly I could see a small figure come shooting up from the crack in the ground. I sighed relieved and Rocket landed inside the ship with Groot on his shoulders.

    "Where's Peter?" I asked concerned hoping to have seen him come flying up shortly after, but he didn't.

Rocket's head hung low and I looked between the two. Groot ran over to me and I scooped him up. Allowing him to climb onto my hand.

    "Rocket, where is he?" I demanded a little harsher as he continued to ignore me.

I looked at Groot who stood in my hand and he pointed towards the outside. Rocket had pulled out his timer for the bomb and we had less than a minute left.

    "Rocket, look at us. Where is he?" Gamora asked concerned.

I placed Groot back down on the ground and my fists lit up. I was going after them.

    "I'm going to get him. I am not leaving without him. I'll be back." I stated firmly about to take my last step off the ship.

Suddenly my body was filled with an electrocuting shock. Just as I tipped forward Rocket flew in front of me and poked my head making me fall back inside the ship. I groaned in pain and my eye lids became heavy.

    "Rocket!" Gamora gasped as she and Nebula moved towards my body dragging me further back into the ship.

    "I'm sorry, Y/n. I can only afford to lose one friend today." Rocket mentioned sadly. "Kraglin, go!"

My eyes closed and everything went black.


I felt warmth on my cheeks and then on my lips and my eyelids began to flicker open. When they did the most welcome sight I saw was right in front of me. It was Peter and he was alive and here with me. I gasped and threw my arms around him and he held me to him.

    "Peter, you're here. You're okay." I gasped and closed my eyes holding him close.

    "I'm okay. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." Peter said softly.

When I opened my eyes I saw Rocket looking at us with sad eyes. I released Peter and motioned for him to come over. He trudged over slowly with his head hung low. I stuck my hand under his chin and made him look up.

    "What's with the long face? Everyone's here, everyone's safe." I mentioned softly and looked around. Everyone had a sad look on their face and I was confused.

    "Not everyone." Rocket said sadly.

    "Yondu's gone, Y/n. He sacrificed himself to save me." Peter mentioned and I gasped softly.

    "No... Oh, Peter, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

We all got up and prepared a funeral for Yondu. I placed the last of the colorful pieces of fabric over his eyes and mouth, leaning down to kiss his forehead. He was like family to not only Peter, but me too. He took us in and kept my secret when I needed it most. As I stood back up and I grabbed Peter's hand and linked them together while we all stood around the table he laid on.

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