Bearer Of Bad News

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    The next day I awoke before Peter. Memories of the night flooded my mind and I blushed at the thoughts of those special moments. But then I also remembered where we were. Ego's Planet. A Celestial's planet and something felt very wrong here. I hoped maybe I could get ahold of Rocket today. As much as I wanted to lay in bed with Peter who's arm was draped lazily over me, I slowly sat up and curled the sheet around my naked body.

    I turned to glance over at Peter's body before fully stepping away from the bed. He was sleeping on his stomach, his mouth was slightly open, and his brown hair that covered his forehead, was slightly starting to go into his eyes. Soft snores came from him and his body moved up and down as he took his breaths evenly, peacefully. I carefully got off the bed and slipped my pants on, my bra and shirt. I walked out to the balcony grabbing the transponder from the couch where Peter had tossed it. Adjusting the frequencies to attempt to connect to Rocket.

     "Rocket, come in, Rocket. It's Y/n, this is an emergency. Rocket, come in. Do you read me?" I asked and still only received static in response. "Rocket? Rocket?" I sighed and I felt warmth return behind me.

     "Well, good morning to you, darlin'." Peter whispered in my ear. I felt his body press behind me and he was only covered by his boxers as he kissed my cheek. Then slightly turning my face to be able to peck my lips. "Boy, this place is almost as beautiful as you." He said as he gazed into my eyes.

     "You're so cheesy. And it's afternoon, Peter. We over slept." I snickered slightly and looked off at the world that was already glowing brightly.

     "But you love it. And it's no wonder, we make the perfect match." Peter smirked and I rolled my eyes. "Hey, you know this could all be mine someday. Imagine it. Once Rocket fixes the ship, we could stay here, Y/n. Wouldn't that be amazing? Waking up to this everyday. Waking up next to you everyday. All though you left the bed a bit cold today."

   "I know, I'm sorry. It's just... I can't get out of my own head." I said quietly.

   "Well, I can help you relax again." Peter grinned and he leaned in to kiss me.

    I put my hand up and covered his mouth earning his eyebrows to raise in confusion.

     "Or we can just talk about what's bothering you." He mumbled underneath my hand.

     "We need to talk, Peter." I sighed and moved away from him. "Something about this doesn't feel right."

     "Oh, come on. Don't tell me you're regretting last night. I would have thought the past three months have shown you that being with me is the best decision you've ever made. It certainly is mine." Peter huffed and I saw the hurt in his eyes.

     "First of all, that was cocky." I chuckled. "No, no. I'm not talking about us." I clarified and he looked relieved. "We can't stay here, Peter. Something about this place. It doesn't feel right."

     "What are you talking about?" Peter asked with a frown as I pulled away from him. "You're the one who wanted me to come here."

     "I tried to talk to you last night, Peter. But you were being so sweet and you got in my head... There's something wrong with this place. That girl, Mantis? Gamora and I have both noticed that she's afraid of something. She and Ego are hiding something, Peter. I just don't know what yet. But believe me I'm gonna find out what." I explained as I shuffled through my bag.

     "Why are you trying to take this away from me?" Peter asked following me back inside.

     "Seriously?" I scoffed and looked at him. "I'm not trying to..."

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