The Battle of Greenwich

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We traveled to Greenwich, England and while Darcy, Ian, Jane and Erik were all setting up, Thor and I waited to take on Malekith together.

     "Y/n?" Thor called out to me softly and I turned to look at him. "I know you and Loki were closer than anyone and I wanted to apologize for his death. It's my fault."

     "No, Thor. It wasn't." I said softly and placed my hand on his shoulder. "We freed Loki. It wasn't only you... I don't want to remember him as the power crazed brother. But as the brother who died as a hero. He died for us, for Jane."

     "That he did and I will keep my promise. Father will know of his bravery and of yours." Thor said softly and placed his hand over my own.

     "It's starting." I said suddenly feeling a whoosh of wind around us.

    We both stood ready as a ship appeared in the sky landing in the small harbor. People ran from the oncoming ship screaming in fear. Thor and I landed in front as the elves descended from the ship.

"You needn't have come so far, Asgardian's." Malekith called out to us. "Death would have come to you soon enough."

"Not by your hand." Thor called back at him.

"You messed with the wrong family." I yelled out to him as my hands lit up with silver mist.

"Your universe was never meant to be. Your world and your family will be extinguished!" Malekith grunted loudly coming at us both.

He shot out red tendrils at us. Thor used Mjolnir to block the blast, but was knocked backwards. My mist seemed to absorb most of the power, but I was quickly knocked off my feet as well. Blast after blast, Thor and I managed to keep fighting. Standing up right and not falling back down.

"You know, with all that power. I thought you'd hit harder." Thor shot at him.

"Oh, good. Now you've pissed him off." I chuckle as a larger cloud began to form around Malekith. A grin sitting on his face that was quickly wiped away as I blasted him and Thor threw Mjolnir.

Malekith's body went soaring away from us also taking out many of his minions in the process. Quickly Thor and I traveled after him. The convergence was reaching it's peak point as the holes in the sky began to slowly cross one another like during an eclipse.

Jane and Erik's machines had begun to work as Darcy and Ian placed the last one. Jane flicked a switch sending the Dark Elves away. The device amazed each one of them.

Thor and I began hitting Malekith with everything we had. A portal sucked Malekith in and as we approached he walked back out and blasted us with the Aether. Thor and I ran back at him blasting him with our powers, until we all went crashing through a convergence portal. We came crashing out the other side back onto the Dark World. We continued to fight and fell back towards Earth and then back into the Dark World again. Thor threw Mjolnir and it crashed through Malekith's stomach and out through another portal.

Angry, Malekith came at us both while I shot out blasts of silver light trying to protect us. But we went crashing through another portal and back to earth. Thor fell through the sky hand out stretched desperate to call Mjolnir to him while I fought off Malekith. I noticed his distress and clawed my way out of Malekith's grip and began to glide down towards my brother.

"Thor!" I shouted reaching out towards him. His opposite hand reached up towards me and we both disappeared again.

Suddenly my body was quite cold. We crashed onto a frozen hard rock planet with Malekith beside us. A loud growling occurred not far from where we had landed. Thor and I scrambled to get to our feet and we looked on to see a dark cave.

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