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Y/n ran with Aren back to their ship. A smile plastered on her face and pink flushed cheeks as she thought about the boy who called himself Starlord. She buckled into her seat and they set their destination for home. Aren noticed the grin and shook his head with a sad smile.

"You know, you can't fall for that Midgardian boy." Aren reminded her.

"Why not?" Y/n huffed and crossed her arms after attaching her new bracelet to her wrist above her Star bangle.

"Because the likelihood of your Father allowing you to be with, let alone marry someone outside of royalty or someone they didn't choose for you is extremely slim." Aren pointed out.

"Yes, but my Mother said only I will know who to love. It's not some thing someone can choose for me." Y/n said as she rolled her eyes.

"And you think it's this boy?" Aren smirked widely at the young one beside him.

"We've only just met! Are you crazy?" Y/n gasped and giggled at the thought. "I don't know, there is something about him I can't quite place my finger on. But for sure a friend right now. I indeed like him. It's the first time I felt like I could allow myself to interact with someone. He didn't make me feel scared. He made me feel safe and cared for." Y/n explained her thoughts and feelings very carefully.

"Well, then for now he sounds like a good friend indeed." Aren nodded.

The trip home was coming closer and closer to it's end. Y/n was dozing off until their ship shook so violently that she bolted awake. Aren looked at her with a frightened expression. He was normally so brave. So to see him with this expression; whatever what making him feel this way now had to be bad, really bad. A bright beam of light shined down surrounding their small ship and brought it up to the gigantic one above them. It was so large in Y/n's eyes that it seemed as though it was forever on going.

Two ugly looking creatures suddenly came on board. Aren took his sword from his sheathed side and began to fight with the creatures as Y/n stayed towards the back, trying to keep hidden. As soon as the fight started it had nearly ended. They were strong and Aren was outnumbered. He fought valiantly trying to protect the Princess but with one wave of the cringy looking creature's hand. Aren was thrown against the wall and knocked unconscious.

The two creatures approached forward again and searched the small cabin of the ship. The one moving objects with the flick of it's hand easily found her. They both grabbed Y/n by the arms. She kicked and screamed and fought against them with all they she had, but it was of no use. She was not skilled enough to defeat them.

They brought her outside and into the dark ship, further and further. Before they were escorted into a large open room. A large throne sat in the middle with the back of the chair turned. Two very different looking little girls sat on either side facing her, not moving or saying anything. They looked rather frightened as well. The chair turned finally after a moment when someone had began to speak.

"Behold and rejoice as you are brought in front of the great titan, Thanos." The elderly looking creature spoke as he held her arm tightly.

The creature in the chair was giant compared to Y/n. He was very tall bulky and purple, with a large chin and shiny armor on his body. He stood and walked down towards them with a smile upon his face as though to seem less intimidating. Y/n didn't want to let him see how scared she really was, so she held her head high and let her face remain emotionless.

"Welcome, little one." Thanos said as he crouched down in front of her. "I've been searching for you for a very long time."

"Why me?" Y/n asked curiously.

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