The Beginning Of The End

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Suddenly the room began to get very dark as a huge ship loomed over ours. I gasped seeing the ship. It was most familiar and not one I ever wanted to be in front of ever again....

    "Thanos." Loki gasped. "Y/n, go hide, now."

    "Thanos?" Thor asked worriedly and then turning into anger. "The titan man who kidnapped you as a child."

    "Yes, Thor. Him." I gulped. I shook away my fears. "I'm not hiding. I will not run from my past any longer. Alert the others and immediately send out a distress signal. Someone in the galaxy will hear it and they will come to our aid. Tell the Asgardians to stay in there rooms, only able bodied soldiers to come out. Relay to them to hide and not come out under any circumstance. I do not know why he is here but I refuse to back down to him now." I commanded.

    "Asgardians, stay in your rooms. I repeat stay in your rooms." Heimdall said over the communications of the ship. "We are under attack, stay calm and stay safe. Any able bodied warriors, meet us in the great room."

A blast rained down from the ship hitting our engines forcing us to stop moving. We all rocked back and forth trying to hold our balance. The ship's alarm began going off, flashing red all around us as more shots were fired and we begun to be boarded. Thor, Loki and I ran to the front of the ship trying to fight off the members I recognized as the Black Order.

    "This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman." Heimdall relayed into the communications of the ship urgently. "We are under assault, and require assistance. The engines are dead, life support is failing. Requesting aid from any vessel in range! We are at 22 jump points out of Asgard. Our crew is made up of Asgardian families. We have very few soldiers here. This is not a Warcraft. I repeat, this is not a Warcraft!"

The battle against the Black Order did not last long indeed. Creatures of every shape and size emerged fighting with us in every manner, with the intent to kill. Once they saw me, I noticed them call back to the home ship. I knew they were relaying to Thanos that they had found me. I placed an illusion over myself, just over my small but protruding belly. Maybe, just maybe Thanos wouldn't notice. He had a good eye for that sort of thing.

It was like no matter how hard I fought I couldn't stop the assault on our ship. People around me were being slaughter mercilessly. Their bodies just scattered the ground. Heimdall was struck down from the communications center, leaving him injured on the floor. Fire burned all around the ship. Ebony Maw came into view and I growled at him as he approached me.

    "It's been a long time, Daughter of Thanos." Maw growled.

    "I am no Daughter of Thanos." I hissed furnishing my blade in my hands.

    "Indeed. You are a traitor." He growled. His hands shot out in front of him and I rolled to the side as he tried to snatch me up in his powers to hold me prisoner.

I sent out a blast or two at him, but it was no use. I dodged and he shot and I shot and he dodged. But I was suddenly on my knees. A force holding me down that I couldn't escape. Metal pieces from the ship came flying at me. It wrapped around my body tightly and I fought as hard as I could but it was no use. I was trapped. I looked around for my brother's praying they weren't dead.

    "Hear me and rejoice! You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan. You may think this is suffering. No. This is salvation." Ebony Maw relayed to those of us left alive. "The universal scales tip towards balance, because of your sacrifices."

    "You're crazy." I spat at him.

    "Oh, smile for you cannot escape us, Y/n. Even in death you all have become children of Thanos." Maw grinned.

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