An Orb For New Beginnings

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A few weeks later, I was sleeping in my bed on my belly, snoring softly away. Today we were going to be going to Xandar to get the holo-projection map from the Broker with the crew. My alarm wasn't set to go off for another few hours. When suddenly someone was jumping on me.

    "Y/n! Y/n! Get up!" Peter said quickly and quietly.

    "Huh? What?" I groaned and tried to cover my head.

    "Come on. I've got the map. We need to get a jump on this before the guys do. Imagine what we could do with 400,000 units just between the two of us!" He said excitedly and I blasted him with silver light, just enough to knock him onto the floor. "What the hell?" He groaned.

    "That's what you get for trying to wake me so early, Peter Quill." I grunted as I looked at my clock. "Seriously it's like 4am! When did you have time to go to Xandar and back?"

    "I left last night and got back just now. Come on, princess. Get your ass out of bed and let's go. Hop to it!" Peter chuckled and ran from my room.

I groaned loudly, and covered my face with my pillow for a moment. I shoved everything off me and quickly got up, getting into my black spandex suit with red lining and tossing on my Ravager jacket with the Ravager symbol on the sleeve. I slid my boots on and put my hair up after throughly brushing it. I brushed my teeth and yawned as I walked into the ship bay. Peter was leaning against the open doorway and ramp to his ship with a shit eating grin on his face.

    "Wow, 20 minutes. New record." He chuckled and I flipped him off as I walked onto the ship. "You are so not a morning person."

    "Never have been. Likely never will be." I snickered as I curled up in my seat. "So..." I yawned. "Where are we going again?"

    "I've got the holo-tracker for the Orb." Peter grinned as he waved it in front of me from out of his pocket.

    "No way." I said excitedly, jumping up and grabbing it from him. I plugged it into the dashboard of the ship and it began to display our journey. "Morag, huh? Never been there."

    "Me either. Here you might need this." Peter mentioned as he handed me a small black ear piece like his. "I, uh, may have boughten it for you. Well, more like had it specially made."

    "Peter, this is... This is so sweet." I gasped softly as I place the piece in my ear and double tapped it. A shield fell over my face and I looked over at Peter. "How do I look?"

    "Beautiful..." He mumbled.

    "What?" I asked having not heard him clearly cause of the mask.

    "Fantastic! You look fantastic. Your's matches mine, but the silver mask is pair with (Y/F/C) eyes instead." He explained and I nodded. I pressed the button again and the mask retracted.

    "Thank you, Pete." I said softly, reaching over and touching his hand. Sparks flew through me and I slowly moved away, having my attention taken by the map in front of us.

We flew through the early morning hours and landed on a desolate planet. Peter landed the Milano off the outskirts of the area we needed to be in. The planet was covered in heavy fog, and geyser's that sprayed liquid into the air. It was raining heavily and I groaned putting my coat on and extending the mask over my face. We nodded at each other and trudged outside into the rough weather.

We stopped after a mile or so of walking and Peter woke up the hologram map. It expanded before us and showed what this world used to look like when it was a thriving community. The old holographic building lit up red and we began to walk forward following the path that was made out for us. Fake holographic people walked around us, there was even a little girl playing with a dog.

The Other Sister (An Avenger's Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz