Lost and Found

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    22 years had passed and Thanos set the girls up in the training area on their ship and once again had them fighting against one another. Nebula like usual was required to go against Gamora first and if she could beat her then she would face Y/n. Y/n watched from the side lines with her arms crossed. She now looked like she was at least 20 in human years even though she was 1,188 years old in Asgardian years.

Both Gamora and Nebula grunted as they fought each other with their blades. Nebula going left, Gamora going right, Nebula jabbing towards Gamora's neck only to be pushed away with Gamora's blade. Gamora swung her body around and kicked out her leg knocking Nebula down to the floor. She stood back up panting heavily and pointed the sword at Nebula's throat.

    "I win." She said breathlessly with a smile. Gamora bent over to try and offer her hand to her sister but Nebula quickly refused.

    "Maw!" Thanos called out.

He snapped his fingers and Nebula was quickly escorted out of the room. The three sisters all caught a glance of each other's eyes. Gamora and Y/n's eye's filled with sadness, but Nebula's filled with so much anger and hate.

    "Father, she did well that time. Must she go through more pain?" Y/n asked as she walked towards Gamora and Thanos.

    "Almost is not good enough, little one. You know this." Thanos scolded her slightly. His big purple face perked up at the sound of something and immediately he grinned at the two girls. "I have an important task taking place soon. I have located one of the infinity stones. You two shall best each other and whichever wins will be granted this new mission."

    "Another mission?" Gamora asked with her brow raised.

    "Yes, dear one." Thanos nodded.

He gestured out to the floor and both girls looked at one another. They hated fighting against each other but arguing was of no use. They both walked onto the mat grabbing their swords from the shelf only to stop after hearing Thanos's puff of air.

    "You shall be using your powers today, Y/n. Gamora needs to be better prepared to fight whatever comes her way. I know you both can handle it."

    "What?" Y/n scoffed. She desperately hated to use her powers against her sister. Gamora gulped and headed out to the circle. "No." Y/n stated heavily. She stood her ground and threw her sword to the floor. It landed with a clang and the room was completely silent.

    "Come again?" Thanos asked with his usual terrifyingly soft demeanor. He stepped forward towards Y/n slightly.

    "I said no. I refuse to hurt Gamora with my powers." She said as she shook her head in defiance.

Her sudden boost of confidence slightly surprising herself and Gamora. She'd come more rebellious as of late and this intrigued Thanos more than it worried him.

    "You see, I thought you might say that my child. But let's just say I have a little... Incentive to make you." Thanos replied knowingly challenging her. Y/n raised a brow at his words.

    "What could you have that would possibly make me want to do this willingly?" Y/n challenged him back.

    "Y/n/n..." Gamora hissed. "It's fine, let us just fight."

    "No. No it is not okay, Gamora. You have no powers to defend yourself against me. No matter how many times it happens you'll be unevenly matched. You'll get punished and I'll remain the same." Y/n explained with a frown.

    "Bring him in." Thanos called out. He looked down at his daughter with a big smirk that came across his face. "You see, I found this one trying to board our ship nearly a year ago. In exchange for his life he has agreed to help me on my next conquest of course. The next mission, that I'd like to have either of you attend."

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