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WELCOME TO AVENGER'S ENDGAME! I can't believe we are finally here after all the stories we've gone through. We are 70 chapters in. We are at the biggest moment in this book and I hope you all seriously enjoy what's coming next. I wanted to start off Endgame by making a character tribute to each important character in these next upcoming chapters. These are the main characters throughout the book until the end.

As well as show you all the fan cast I have done for Noah Jason Quill. Y/n and Peter's son who will be born shortly. Then you all have a reference picture in your minds of what I believe Noah looks like.

Y/n Quill
Picture you here :)

Natasha Romanoff

Natasha Romanoff

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Steve Rogers

Steve Rogers

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Tony Stark

Bruce Banner/Hulk (Smart Hulk)

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Bruce Banner/Hulk (Smart Hulk)

Bruce Banner/Hulk (Smart Hulk)

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