23 Days

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Weeks past. It felt like months here. I was trapped. The beginning was rough, I was locked into a back room. I tried hard to fight the power cuff links, but I was too weak to be able to get through them. Food was offered everyday, but most of the time I didn't take it. I wouldn't, I refused. It wasn't until about two weeks in when I thought I was on the brink of insanity. I started talking to Peter's dead ghost. He convinced me to eat. I had to for our child.

Eventually, I stopped fighting so hard. I still wanted out but I was harshly grieving everyone and everything I once knew. I had no idea who was still alive, within Thanos's snap. I wasn't myself and I knew it. But I couldn't get myself out of this funk. Eventually as time went on, I was allowed to walk about the small shack, help myself to whatever I wanted. I was made to help pick food from the garden. Thanos left me be mostly, which was surprising. But I knew it was because he wanted the child in my belly to continue to grow and grow healthy.

One day, Thanos let me relax at the front table. He went out to the garden to tend to it and to pick food for later. While I was sitting there and I was rolling my hand up and down my even larger belly. A flicker of sun came through one of the windows. The sun beamed into the room and suddenly something glowed for a second. I frowned and looked over my shoulder to see Thanos still out in the garden.

I turned around and followed the beam of light to try and find what it was reflecting off of. As I moved closer towards the door to Thanos's room. I realized what I was looking at. Under the floorboards was were the shine was coming from. The floorboards was slightly lifted like someone had just been under there. I moved even closer and bent down to my knees, lifting the floor slightly. I gasped.

"The Stones..." I whispered to myself as I lifted the gauntlet out of the floorboards. I held the decaying piece of metal in my hands, seeing the six Infinity Stones still lying in there original places.

The Stones took away half of the world. So maybe, just maybe the stones could bring everyone back. It could bring back my Peter. Just as I was about to slid on the gauntlet on, a large hand landed on my shoulder. I gasped as I was brought to stand up and the Gauntlet quickly taken from me.

"Hey!" I called out.

"You're not supposed to be in here." Thanos growled. "I see you found the stones."

"You've kept them all this time." I growled as I tried to reach for it once again.

"I was keeping them, maybe for a further purpose. But I suppose... They serve nothing beyond temptation." He began to walk out of the small cabin and I followed behind him.

"What are you doing?" I asked quickly with a growing frown upon my face.

"As I said, they serve next to nothing now. Their purpose has been fulfilled. My life's purpose fulfilled." He looked at me as he slid the gauntlet onto his already burned arm from the last time he snapped his fingers. "The temptation to use them again has haunted me. And now that you've discovered them, daughter. I see now that they must be destroyed."

"Destroyed?! You can't destroy them!" I shouted as I tried to move towards him.

His fist clenched together and a blast of purple power shot out and made me fall backwards to the ground.

"Temptation shall be removed." He stated as he raised his hand into the air.

"NO!" I shouted.

Thanos snapped his fingers again. Pain had run it's course through him, further burning his already disfigured arm. I watched helplessly as the stones suddenly began to vanish into nothing but thin air. I fell to my knees and clutched at my stomach feeling a wave of pain myself.

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