The Guardians Of The Galaxy

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We were jamming through the jump points in space while listening to my music on our ship. I couldn't have been in a happier mood. I had just gotten off the correspondence call with my wife, Y/n. She had been missing for the past three months and I couldn't wait to see her beautiful smiling face in person again. To hear all about her adventures during that time that I wasn't even sure if she was alive. Although as much as I worried, a part of me knew she was okay. I could feel her with me.

As we hopped through the jump points in hyperspace something began to feel off. I wasn't sure what it was, but it felt like Y/n was hurting. The pain got better for a while, but then it suddenly got worse. I gasped for air.

    "Quill, are you alright?" Gamora asked me concerned. She knew a little about Y/n and I's ability to feel each other.

    "Uh, yeah... I'm fine. I think." I said slightly confused.

    "Uh, hey guys, we've got an incoming distress signal." Mantis relayed to us all. "It's only about 30 clicks from where we are supposed to pick up Y/n."

     "We should swing by there." Drax said excitedly.

    "What and not grab Y/n first?" Rocket scoffed.

    "No way, she's apart of the Guardians too. She's been gone long enough, don't you think?" Gamora said in agreement.

    "I am Groot." ( I miss her.) Groot mentioned not looking up from his video game.

    "Well, maybe Drax's got a point, guy's. It's just a few clicks further. We could always ask her to meet us there. Or we can just grab her after. She wouldn't want us to leave stranded people in trouble." I pointed out and Gamora seemed to weigh the option in her head. "Listen, no one is more excited than me to pick up, Y/n. But you know this is exactly what she'd want us to do. She's fine on Asgard. Safe even."

    "All right, all-right." Gamora grumbled.

    "I'm totally telling on you guys." Rocket grumbled.

    "The Guardians off on another adventure." Mantis smiled widely and I smiled back at her.

Rocket grumbled slightly as he adjusted the coordinates in the controls sending us just a little further out. Another 20 minutes or so had passed by and we were coursing through space and still jamming.

    "Hey ya'll. Prepare yourself for the rebel man." I sang and jammed in my seat. The light from space piercing through the windshield and it shined off my wedding ring. Nothing could kill my good mood. "Sing it, Drax!" I yelled below me.

Drax didn't sing. He was already passed out in his chair napping. Gamora mouthed the words in her seat next to his. Rocket yawned in his seat, looking bored.

    "Can someone tell me why we are doing this first again?" Rocket asked.

He had been pretty moody since Y/n left. It was easy to tell she was his favorite. The two always laughed and had a good time together.

    "Because it's a distress signal, Rocket. Someone could be dying." Gamora rolled her eyes.

    "I get that, but why are we doing it?" He asked.

    "Cause we're nice. And Y/n would want us too." I mentioned looking over at him. "And maybe whoever it is will give us a little cheddar cheese for our effort." I grinned over at him, knowing that would capture his attention.

    "Which isn't the point." Gamora reminded us.

    "It isn't the point." I agreed. "But I mean, if he doesn't pony up..."

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