Prank Changing Destiny

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One day Loki and Y/n were having one of their lessons out in the palace gardens just before nightfall. Loki, now a young teen, looking to be about 16, and young Y/n, looking to be around the age of 7. Seeing as Asgardian's age much differently then other species.

    "Loki, this is ridiculous. I'll never get it right." Y/n huffed as she held out her hand attempting to do the fireworks magic in her hand.

    "Y/n/n." Loki clicked his tongue trying to hold back his laughter at his young sister's pout. "It's complicated magic. I didn't expect you to get it on your first couple of tries. If you had that would have been rather magnificent."

    "Well perhaps I should have. I already know most of your tricks." She huffed annoyed.

    "Indeed you do, dear sister. But you still have much to learn." Loki prompted her carefully. He had a special glint in his eye and Y/n smiled at her brother brightly.

    "Are we done with lessons for today? May we go play a trick?" She asked exceptionally happy.

    "Sure, what should we do this time, hmm? Turn Thor into another frog? Or perhaps we should cloak him into someone else." Loki chuckled.

    "Oh, I was reading a Midgardian book I found in the library. A prank humans play is to dye one's hair without the other knowing. Thor loves his hair." Y/n chuckled as she pointed it out and Loki looked at her with wide eyes.

    "That would indeed make him awful mad... Let us do it." Loki smirked.

    "I'll gather the flowers to make the dye!" Y/n laughed and skipped around the garden collecting flower petals placing them in a gardener's basket she had found.

    As soon as she had collected enough they ran to Loki's room. He ground them into a paste and the two made the dye together. Giggling almost the entire way.

    "I'm afraid I've been a rather bad influence on you." Loki chided with a slight grin. "You know he will be very sore about this if we manage to pull it off. There won't be anywhere in the galaxy to hide."

    "I know. Thor always starts out mad but then he get's that big booming laugh of his going. Plus, he can never stay mad at me for long. So I do not think we will have to hide." Y/n grinned widely at her older brother as they snuck through the palace halls, bottle in hand.

    After a few moments of silence and Y/n's racing thoughts had been thunk. She looked up at her brother and tilted her head slightly.

    "Loki." She called out and he looked down at her. "Have you ever visited the galaxy?"

    He shrugged his shoulders and continued to look forward.

    "Not much of it. I've been on one trip with Father and Mother before though. We went to a beautiful forest that was on the country side. I was only a boy, long before you came. Father had business to attend to and he took us with him. I guess some would have called it a 'vacation' of sorts. We didn't do much. But there was this wonderful little brook. You could see these rainbow fish swimming inside the water that was clear as a window." Loki relayed to her as he reminisced.

    "It sounds wonderful." Y/n sighed happily thinking about Loki's memory as though she had been there as well since he had projected it into her brain.

    "It was. Why do you ask such a question?"

    "I think I'd like to see the galaxy and all the nine realms one day. I don't think Father would ever let me though. I've never even been off Asgard before." She explained softly with a hint of sadness in her voice.

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