The Return of a Princess

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    Days past and Loki prepared for his mission along side his sister, Y/n. In exchange for being given the realm of Midgard to rule as King, he was to retrieve the Tesseract for Thanos. It contained the Space Stone; one of the six Infinity Stones. Y/n's job was to make sure that Loki's plan did not fail and that indeed the stone would be retrieved for Thanos. He had pulled her aside and spoke to her of his trick ways and that she was due to personally hand deliver the stone back to him. Y/n of course agreed, doing her duty as she usually did.

    Something inside Loki changed the moment he was given his scepter to use during his journey. His eyes glowed a bright unfamiliar blue and Y/n worried even more for him. She worried about Thanos's control over him. The night before the invasion was set to take place, she sat in her room rolling the crystal necklace in between her fingers. The star bangle bracelet laid gently on her wrist as well as the charm bracelet with the small blue stone that rattled as she moved. She had never taken them off in all the years she was held here despite ever wavering hope. She sighed and suddenly looked up at the sound of a soft knock.

    "Y/n/n? You okay?" Gamora asked softly as she entered their room.

    "Fine." She shrugged. "I just wish... I wish I could tell Nebula in confidence about our plan. I don't want her to think I'm abandoning her." Y/n sighed.

    "You know she's changed. She'd do anything to please Thanos. She desperately wishes for his approval. If you told her of your plan, she'd tell in minutes and everything would be a waste." Gamora assured her sadly.

    "But what about you? I hate the idea of leaving you here." Y/n sighed again letting her brows furrow.

    "I've actually been thinking about that. So this communication device is for you. We will keep in touch everyday. When either of us find a way to get me out, we will do it together. For now you must focus on saving your brother and Midgard." Gamora explained to her softly and sweetly.

    "Oh, how I will miss you." Y/n said sadly as she hugged her sister tightly. "You will always be my sister."

    "And you will always be mine. I came in here to tell you they were ready for you. So please, be safe, Y/n/n." Gamora hugged her back tightly and then watched her leave their bedroom.

    Y/n walked from her room to the cavern holding unit where Thanos resided along with Loki.

    "Are you ready, little one?" Thanos asked. "You remember the mission?"

    "Yes, Father. I am ready." Y/n stated firmly. "I remember the mission. Guide Loki to Midgard, invade the realm and take possession of the Space Stone. Bring the stone back here."

    Thanos nodded proudly at her and gestured for her to move forward. Y/n took a deep breath and did as she was instructed. She'd been practicing her Asgardian connection to the Tesseract through her power of the stars. The ability took much of her power to open even a simple portal. She was to hold the connection long enough to allow herself and Loki through to Earth. Y/n pressed her hands together and searched her mind. It was like searching the galaxy for her connection to the light. Once she found the similar energy she was looking for, she connected to it with a grunt.

    Loki, though under Thanos's control wavered for a moment seeing his sister in such pain. Y/n began to float in the air with her eyes turning bright white. Nebula and Gamora entered quietly and watched from the back of the room, with the same amount of concern for their adopted sister. Y/n struggled to break through and connect to the portal power of the space stone. After immersive effort and a loud scream, her hands clapped together and she caught a rainbow of light in her hands.

    The light she gathered and then forced it all towards her brother. Power surging through her body, sending him through the portal to Midgard. As she tried to step forward and maneuver it back towards herself, the light flickered and went out like someone blew on a flame. Y/n collapsed to the floor with a gasping breath, and coughed harshly. Gamora and Nebula ran forward and sat on either side of her.

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