Not A Team But A Chemical Mixture of Chaos

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"Thor? Can I borrow you for a moment?" One of the men that had walked into the control room with Tony asked. Thor nodded and he looked at me, gesturing for me to follow.

I agreed and we followed him over to one of the many computers in the control room.

    "Ah, dear sister. Our plan will continue shortly. I can feel your anxious racing mind from here." Loki's voice intruded within my head.

    "If you could fill me in a bit more about your plans, brother, since apparently everyone's lying to me. It would be rather pleasant to be in the loop, Loki. You know if I do not return to Thanos with that stone, he will stop at nothing to find me and kill me." I scoffed inside my own head.

    "I would never let such a thing happen. With the Tesseract in our possession we would be two of the most powerful beings in the galaxy. And don't forget, dear sister. I know of your plans to betray Thanos. To take the stone for yourself to rescue your 'sisters'." He said full of distain.

    "How did you..." I gasped. "You didn't..."

    "Do not fret. I will not say anything, darling. But betray me, Y/n and you will finally be on the side of me you will have never wished you crossed." Loki said and the connection cut away.

    "Y/n? Y/n? Are you alright?" Thor asked as I came back to the conversation. I blinked and nervously crossed my arms across my chest.

    "I-I-I..." I cleared my throat. "I-I'm fine. I am sorry. I just a little tired and wiped out from everything. What is it you were saying."

    "I was trying to introduce you to my friend, Phil son of Coul. Phil, this is Y/n my youngest sister that I have just recently reunited with." Thor said.

    "It's wonderful to meet you, Y/n." Phil said with a bright smile. I smiled and nodded back at him.

    "It's my pleasure to meet you as well, Son of Coul."

    "I wanted to give you both one of these." Phil handed us each a small black ear piece. "It's so we can connect if we're not together. As well as I just wanted to inform you, Thor, that as soon as Loki took the doctor. We moved Jane Foster." Phil explained and I looked at Thor confused before looking back down at the monitor.

I placed the device in my ear and looked on the screen. Before us was the picture of a beautiful woman smiling and Thor's eyes were filled with admiration for her. I couldn't help but smile knowing my brother was in love with someone and it was someone from earth.

    "They've got an excellent observatory in Tromso. She was asked to consult there very suddenly yesterday. Handsome fee, private plane, very remote. She'll be safe." Phil assured my brother.

    "Thank you." Thor said meaningfully. "It's no accident Loki taking Erik Selvig. I dread what he plans for him once he's done. Erik is a good man."

    "He talks about you a lot. You changed his life. You changed everything around here." Phil explained as we began to walk away from the monitor.

    "They were better as they were. We pretend on Asgard that we're more advanced, but we come here, battling like bilge snipe."

    "Like what?" Phil questioned him.

    "Bilge Snipe? You know, huge, scaly, big antlers. You don't have those?" Thor asked seeing Phil looking confused.

    "I don't think so." He shook his head.

    "Well, they are repulsive. And they trample everything in their path..." He explained quietly trailing off as he walked away from us.

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