The Man of Metal on Midgard

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Y/n's Pov:

    I explained everything to Thor though still leaving out the great titans name and while he was shocked, he understood I had no choice but to do everything I had done. That it was all to survive and I should not be held accountable for my actions. Which he was afraid our father would not see the same way. Thor promised me that I could redeem myself one day. He was sure that I would as he full heartedly believed that. His belief rubbed off on me and even I began to believe that I could change and be the great person I was always meant to be.

I still had the device Gamora had given me hidden within my armor and I let my sister know that I was safe and our plan was still underway unknown to Thor or anyone else. I knew my Father was likely to not see things as Thor or my Mother would. Loki had told me that Odin knew I was alive, but he refused to use any Asgardian efforts against Thanos. I held that grudge against my Father for not coming to rescue me and for making my family believe that I was dead for all these years. Forcing them to stop trying to find me. Everyone except Loki, because, well he couldn't control him.

It was rather easy for Thor and I to locate our brother. We had gotten word that Loki was in a place called Germany. As we were on our way there, Loki had been captured. I did not know by who, but Thor and I knew we were going to get our brother back at any cost.

Thor and I both flew through the air close to one another's side. I levitated myself and he swung around his hammer, Mjolnir. Together we flew across the world with ease hiding in a thunder storm that was caused by Thor and I to shield ourselves from sight. I also knew that Loki would realize what was happening before anyone that captured him did.

"There they are." I shouted over the thunderous booms that filled the air. Lightening surrounded us and I was positive Loki was aware of our presence now. Or at least Thor's.

Thor nodded back at me and we both aimed for the back of the ship. We landed with a large thump surely alarming the captors that we were there. I prepared to blast the doorway to the ship open only to find it opening already from the inside. 

"What are you doing?" I heard someone from the inside yell.

Thor and I looked at each other and quickly hopped downward onto the rear hatch door. As we landed we looked forward to see a man of metal wearing red and gold standing before us. Guarding us from getting to Loki. Loki looked rather shocked at seeing the both of us to which I sent him a slight wink. The man of metal put a hand out that sounded like it was starting up for something as Thor walked forward.

Thor quickly hit the man with his hammer and knocked the metal man off his feet backwards into the ship. I ran inside and grabbed Loki by the collar and lifted him with ease out of the shackles that held him to the seat. As I turned to look at my brother, Thor walked forward and roughly grabbed Loki out of my grasp. He swung him hammer around and nodded at me before flying out of the ship with ease into the night air.

I took another glance around quickly seeing one other man on the ship. He was wearing some sort of red, white and blue, starry outfit. I furrowed my brow at him and quickly leapt out of the ship after my brothers. I watched as Thor landed roughly while throwing Loki to the ground.

Loki groaned in pain.

"Where is the tesseract." Thor growled angrily at our brother.

"Oh, I missed you too." Loki chuckled though in pain. "I'm glad to see our dead sister has found you as well. Should we celebrate with a bottle of the finest liquor?" Loki snipped sarcastically.

"Do I look to be in a gaming mood?" Thor hissed as he walked angrily towards Loki.

"Come now, boys." I rolled my eyes as I landed in between them both. "Let us not fight."

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