Foot in mouth

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"Yea she think I got hella kids so she mad." Chosen said as Alaia burped Change and looked at Diamond walking away with Chance and Chloe.

She had just come to pick them up and Alaia was sure she thought she wasnt there, atleast how she dressed and approached the door before she saw Alaia.

"Na she mad cause you got her kids round me." Alaia said and he waved her off.

"And why she think that they are your kids?" alaia looked at Chosen referring to his siblings.

"Chloe will prolly tell her ass by now but she assumed it and i aint need to explain to her that they wasn't mine. I said we related."He shrugged and Alaia laughed.

"Chosen your seriously irritating." She said passing him back the baby.

"So I'll be back in two days." She said as she started to get up.

"Hellllll no." He said dragging it out.

"First off we haven't talked and second two days? like what is up where we at?" He said looking at her

"Chosen relax. I still need space and this is alot to process." She said waving her hand.

"Alaia you actin real-" He started.

"Selfish?" She eyed him.

"Single, like what the fuck is you on? You move out talkin bout some space. Then yo ass came over here to talk two days ago, you been here erry damn day. Why is you leavin?" He asked and she sighed.

"I saw you were overwhelmed so I helped." She said realizing she really couldn't avoid a conversation with everything going on.

"Look Chosen you just got a whole lot goin on.-" She started.

"I know and im not askin you to take none of this on." He said to her.

"Ill take care of things, the kids and they momma. I got em, can you jus ride wit me on this?" He askedshe sighed grabbing the baby back.

"Im still goin home tonight." She said and he looked at her.

"And me my kids, yo in laws goin be coming too." He said and she laughed.

"Chosen do you not get the term space?" She looked at him.

"Hell no, you cant even spell Space with Chosen but you know what you can? He, Hoe and No." He said and Alaia rolled her eyes.

"Please?" He tried and she sighed.

"I miss you and I'm fa real im sorry." He said looking at her and she nodded.

"I just dont want you to think that im here that everythin is fine." She sai and he nodded.

"I get its not but we together, you my partner laia." He siad and she looked at him.

"Aren't you?" He asked and she stared for a moment before she nodded.

"Then dont worry bout shit but us and the twins. I got Chance, Chloe, Change and Conner." He said and she smirked.

"Lots of C names huh?" She said and he smiled.

"Man our next baby going to be named Alaia Junior." He said and she couldnt help but smile.

"Just ride this out wit me, please?" He asked and she nodded.

"It was hard for me." She admitted as she started to rocking Change in her arms.

"I know and im sorry." He said and she nodded.

She knew he was and she knew he was trying, the least she could do was give him the benefit of the doubt.

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