Plans and planning.

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"Ion, why yo freak cry baby ass not tryna tell no one." Chosen said lowly as the kids ran back into their rooms to play.

"Ion superstitions, what if something happens? I mean, I'm not high risk, but it's been stressful on and off the last two months." She admitted that since the wedding,  they had jumped into a relationship, and on top of a new job and moving, Alaia just didn't want to jinx things.

Chosen looked at her, and he was sure he already knew why she wanted to wait.

"Girl please, cause you know my niggas is swimmers and obviously we, us, we make multiples." He said and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm sure it's three of them in there." He pointed at her stomach, and she swatted his hand away, laughing.

"We will find out tomorrow." She said, and the smile on her face spread.

"So what's this? You wanna drop tha twins off, go to an appointment and then go outta town without them?" Chosen said, and Alaia laughed because he was making it sound worse than what it was.

"Chosen, I just suggested we have some time together. Maybe talk without whispering." She said, and he smirked.

"Fuckin errywhere?" He asked in a low tone and she hit his arm.

"Chosen shut up." She laughed and he grabbed her.

"A nigga already know we is, you ain't gotta answer." Chosen teased her.

"So tell me somethin good?" He asked and she smirked.

"I don't know what good thing I could tell you about." She said nonchalantly.

She knew Chosen was waiting on an answer for their program, but Alaia had something up her sleeve.

OF course, she had plans on doing what they agreed to, which was sending the program off. Before all that, she figured it would be better to get licensing and an official patent. It was something in the making but definitely, something she wanted to surprise him with.

"Did you submit it?" He asked, wondering if she had sent the program off to those who were interested.

"Not yet, but soon I promise, but you know what news I do have?" She looked at him, and he shook his head.

Alaia reached over to her laptop bag and pulled out a folder.

"What's this?" He asked, confused, and she smiled.

"Well, how can we raise 3 kids in two different places?" She said, and he smirked, grabbing at her stomach.

"4 kids." He said sure that she was pregnant with twins once more

"Why don't we make it 5?" She said sarcastically, but Chosen was all smiles.

Alaia was sure if he were to have it his way, they would have a mansion with kids to fill up each room.

"You know what? You smart." He said, and she rolled her eyes.

"Chosen no." She said with a serious face, making him laugh.

"Chill," He said, opening the folder, and he saw a bunch of houses.

As he looked through, he realized they were scattered throughout but no more than an hour from his house.

"You gettin a house here?" He asked, and she nodded.

"I figured maybe somethin a lil bigger cause if we do have twins again-" She started, and he kissed her.

He without a doubt wanted her there, but he didn't care about that at this moment.

Chosen was happy.

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