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Chosen woke up to breakfast next to the bed and Alaia already in the shower.

As tempted as he was to eat he figured he could sneak in the shower and they could have morning sex.

Chosen liked sex of course but sex with Alaia was addicting. Once a day wasn't enough. It seemed they were always having sex and if anything he made sure they could have a quickie.

Just as he was about to pull the covers back and climb out of his bed the twins burst in all smiles.

"Daddy we have been waitin on you to get up." Nadia said in her pink dress and her her parted in half and braided down into two pigtails with bows.

Noah ran behind her in his red outfit and matching sneakers

Chosen looked at Nadia then Noah and felt proud.

They were beautiful kids but above all they looked happy and well taken care of.

"Yea, we ate, momma ate and you still sleep." Noah looked at him with suspicion.

Chosen laughed because as much as he saw himself in the twins they were so much like their mother.

To him it was a good thing. Alaia was always a smart student. He had assumed she was a good kid. The kid who rarely got spankings because she listened. He knew it was the opposite for her brother Howard. He was just as smart as her, maybe even more. He had a lot of potential but he also got into a lot of trouble. It wasn't really him but the crowd they kept.

"Well ima eat, shower and we can chill." He said and they shook their heads simultaneously.

"We actually have plans." Nadia said matter of fact like.

Chosen smirked as he reached for his fork on his plate.

"Oh do we?" He said and he noticed Noah's shirt matched Nadia's dress and he chuckled.

Alaia had always found a way to match them some how, some way.

"Yea but we can't talk about it til momma says so." Noah said turning around, grabbing the remote, and turning the tv on.

"We good to chill in here right?" He turned back to his father and Chosen nodded.

It was easy to see the things they had picked up from him versus their mother.

"Yea." He nodded and the twins climbed on the end of the bed and turned towards the tv.

It didn't take long before the two found themselves laying on their tummies with their heads propped in their hands as they watched tv.

Nearly 15 minutes later Alaia walked out the bathroom and had to admit it was a cute scene, Chosen and his minions.

For a moment she felt a wave of emotion as her hand went to her flat stomach.

"Took you long enough." Chosen said climbing front he bed in his boxers.

He walked over, leaned down and kissed her softly.

"You good?" He asked looking at her and Alaia looking pale as smirked and nodded.

"Yea, I was just thinkin bout somethin random. Go shower." She said pushing him into the bathroom.

"Ight, ight. Even tho you could have invited me." He said and she chuckled.

"Did you like your breakfast?" She asked waving him off.

"Yea but I could have ate twice." He said shutting the bathroom door as she laughed in is face.

Alaia finished getting ready since the kids were ready and she ate her breakfast as she  did her hair.

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