Daddy's Babies

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"Today was magical." Nadia said, and Chosen looked at her as she tugged on his arm.

"What's up, baby?" He asked, and she smiled Alaia's smile.

"Can we stay the night with you?" Noah asked, grabbing his other hand.

"You said we had a room." Nadia smiled, and he nodded.

They were walking from an indoor playground that he was sure the kids would love.

They all had face paint, even Alaia, who had been trying to walk behind them.

"You do, and all your stuff came today." Chosen told them.

"Our stuff?" Noah said, and his face lit up.

"You said a spaceship, and she said a galaxy." Chosen said, and they smiled brightly.

"You remembered?!" They said at the same time in excitement.

"All billion and one things yawl told me." He said, and Noah started to climb onto him.

"Noah -" Alaia started, and Chosen shook his head.

"I'm good on them invading my space, and I know when to say it's too much." He said, lifting Noah up with his arm and sitting him on his shoulder.

"Well, excuse me." Alaia rolled her eyes.

"I mean, you can fit too." He said, looking back to her, and she rolled her eyes once more.

"Don't forget me!" Nadia giggled, and Chosen leaned down and lifted her onto his other shoulder.

The twins were actually having the times of their lives, and Alaia had to admit she that Chosen was doing well handling them.

"You can still fit." He said to Alaia, winking at her.

He may have thought it was because she was keeping her distance, but she was actually watching their interactions with each other.

Chosen had always been good with kids. His having them was different, at least to Alaia it was.

There were times he needed to be firm, and when it was, he didn't seem to lose his cool or yell.

Instead, he would just look at them and say 'No'.

There was normally no explanation because he didn't feel the need to explain to kids, not the way Alaia had.

Really, she had been used to doing that since they were technically her little best friends.

Chosen walked to his car with them on his shoulders.

"So what do you think?" He asked, and Alaia shrugged.

"I mean, the park was nice." She said, and he smiled, turning to her.

"Bout tha whole spend tha night?" He asked, and she looked at them.

"I mean, I guess. We only have a few days left, so yea." She said, and he nodded.

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