Catch up

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"I am tired." Alaia said, and her mother nodded.

She had just flown back to her mother's and her first vacation wasn't really what it was cracked up to be.

"I know, baby, but I am glad you made it back in one piece. You heard bout them trips girls be goin on wit they friends." India said, hugging her.

"I'm good." She lied.

"How you been momma?" She asked, looking at her mother, and she looked as exhausted.

"Prolly not as tired as you." India smiled as the twins jumped out of the backseat of Alaia's suv.

"Momma!!" They said at the same time, running towards her.

They looked just alike, mostly like Chosen. They had Alaia's smile but Chosen's nose and eyes. Nadia's hair was long and thick as it was styled in pigtails that were braided down. Their son undeniably was his twin, Chosen's twin, but let Alaia tell it they were her 'twins'.

"Noah, Nadia, Calm down." Alaia said, laughing as they nearly knocked her down.

"We missed you!" They said, and she laughed.

"Please don't do that." She hated when they talked at the same time.

It was cute when they were smaller, but the older they got, it was a little creepy, mostly to others.

"I missed yoouuu guyyysss so mucccchhh." She said, hugging them.

"Why are you guys up so late?" She asked, and they both gave a devious grin.

"You both know not to granny a hard time." She looked at them, and they nodded.

They were smart, and sometimes they could get into things, but Alaia figured they were kids, and that's what would happen. As long as they were safe and happy to her, that's all that mattered. She wanted them to have a life filled with love because that's what she promised them.

"We know, but we missed you." Noah said, and Nadia nodded, grabbing her hand.

"Can we sleep wit you tonight?" She asked, and Alaia smirked.

"Of course. Wanna help me wit my bags?" She said, and they nodded as India watched her.

Most days, she felt like she hadn't accomplished much, but when she looked at her daughter, she felt like she had done something right. There wasn't a day she didn't miss her son, and with Alaia gone, times got lonely. It felt nice to have her back.

Over the years, India had saved. All her life she had been so used to working. Working for herself, her family, and then just her and her kids. With an empty nest, she saved up and bought a house. Had she known that her prideful daughter was struggling, she would have helped more. After Alaia had brought the twins for a Christmas visit, India surprised her with a lot of gifts and all that she had saved for her college.

Back then, Alaia told her she was staying with a friend, but she was still staying at a hotel. After making a plan as she had always done, lying a bit, she was able to get a place. Alaia put in all she could to have her rent paid up. After getting daycare situated, she got a job. Mostly office work or tutoring, places where she could study. It wasn't easy, but she stayed on top of her grades while being a full-time mom to twins.

That same young woman who had come to Chosen's door years ago, hair a mess, and bags under her eyes was no longer there.

"How about a midnight snacks?" India suggested, and Alaia smirked.

"That sounds good." She admitted as she helped the kids with her bags.

"Hey, ma?" Alaia looked, and India nodded.

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