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Smaug was not happy to find out that someone was trying to reclaim Erebor. He was angry when he saw Thorin before he registered me.

"Now you're going to burn!" The dragon spoke, and fire began to spew from its mouth.

We ran down the stairs that led to a corridor where the great reptile couldn't get in. We ran on until we reached a path where we were very unprotected. Thorin stopped and motioned for everyone to be quiet.

"We spanked that one," Dori said quietly.

"No. He's too cunning for that," Dwalin echoed.

"So where to now?" Bilbo wondered.

"To the west guardhouse," Thorin whispered, "there may be an exit."

 "Too high. We have no chance there," echoed Balin.

"It's the only place we have it. We must try."

We were walking in silence when a coin dropped halfway. It looked like it fell off Bilbo, but it actually fell off Smaug's body, which was directly above us. Since he was sleeping buried in gold, the coins got caught in his scales. As he was huge, many coins fell.

We walked quietly and managed to reenter the protected areas undetected before making a dash for the western guardhouse, where, unfortunately, there was no exit. The exit was flooded and dead bodies lay everywhere.

"This is the end," Dwalin spoke up, "there is no exit."

"They were the last of our people," began Balin, "They came here and hoped, but in vain. We can try to get to the Dale, maybe we can hold out for a few days."

"No, I don't want to die like this. Crouching, gasping for breath. We have to get to the furnaces," Thorin spoke up.

"He'll see us," Dwalin replied, "damn right it is."

"Not if we split up," Thorin spoke.

"Thorin," Balin interjected, "this is not going to work."

"You are the sons of Durin," I spoke up, "Are you running away? You've come this far, are you going to give up now?"

"No!" spoke the dwarves.

"I can use magic to protect you from the fire," she continued, "you will worry less. So, Thorin, what's the plan?"

"We'll lead him to the furnaces. Kill the dragon or die. If it is to end in fire, let us all burn in it."

The spell had to be done individually, they stood in a line and I said the incantation each time.

"How do we know it works?" Dwalin echoed.

I conjured fire in my hands, which I brought closer to Bombur, who was not yet under the spell. He could feel the heat and warmth, and when he touched it briefly, the flame burned. I then touched Dwalin, who felt the heat, but it did not burn him. I let the dwarf's burn disappear.

"So, what's next?" I asked when everyone was already protected by my spell.

"Let's split up," Thorin began, dividing us into groups.

Me, Bilbo, Balin and he were in one group.

 We set off and Oakenshield shouted out loud on purpose which way to go.

"Go, go, save your life..." Smaug said before he noticed us.

We stopped for a moment.

"... You have nowhere to hide," the dragon continued, at which point another group took his ears, allowing us to run on.

I had no idea where the dwarves were taking us. We ran down a corridor where we were unprotected before Balin headed into one of the hallways.

"This way, this way, come on," Balin yelled and ran inside.

Eruwen (Part 1 & 2)Where stories live. Discover now