Communication 68: "School Trip."

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Tadano had woke early on the day of the school trip, 5:00 am.

Hitomi: Did you pack a change of clothes and socks?

Tadano nod.

Hitomi: Ah, and your toothbrush? Your wallet?

Tadano nod twice this time.

Hitomi: All good! Have fun at the school trip, Onii-chan!

Tadano nod before he left home to go to the train station.
Arriving there he meets Komi and Najimi.

Najimi: Tadano-kun! We're over here!

Tadano approach the duo.

Komi: Good morning, Tadano-kun.

Najimi: Heyo!

Komi: You're excited for today's school trip?

Tadano nod happily.

Najimi: Alright, let's get going then!

The trio then went to get in the bullet train.
A lot of students pick their own seats.

Najimi: Yay, a whole bullet train just for us!

Immediately, Najimi lie down the three sets of seat to sleep.

Tadano: '!?'

Komi: 'He fell asleep already!?'

Teacher: Class president, please make sure everyone is accounted for.

Tadano nodded to what the teacher said while Komi starts getting Najimi to sit down so she can also have a sit.
After a while, Tadano walks in the train as he look around to see each student who were listed to be in the school trip.
While checking, he happen to see Nakanaka, Agari, and Yamai being seated next to each other.
Both Nakanaka and Yamai are pissed while Agari is uncomfortable being in-between the two.

Yamai: I can't believe I'm not with Komi-san... This sucks big time.

Nakanaka: You took the words out of my mouth, I can't believe I'm stuck with this normie girl.

Unfortunately Nakanaka, Agari and Yamai are grouped together...

Yamai: Ha? Normie? Who are you talking about?

Nakanaka: Keh.

Tadano wished Agari good luck.
Tadano then continues onwards with checking everyone on board.

Onemine: By the way, Inaka, where are you from?

Inaka: Eh!?

Otori: You've got a slight acceeent~

Inaka: Eh!?

Onemine: Yeah, I think that accent is cute.

Najimi stood up as she was seated behind Onemine and next to Otori.
She did just to get a snack from Onemine.

Najimi: Yay!

Inaka: Eh, no, um, I...

Onemine, Inaka and Otori are in the same group. They seem to be going pretty well so far.

Kometani: *Inaka's classmates are beginning to suspect she's from a rural area.

On another hand, Satou, Yadano and Ushiroda being in the same group.
They're playing old maid and Yadano, being typically herself, she's competitive.
Yadano loss 10 times in a row, she's probably gambling to win.

Tadano: ...?

Meanwhile, the trio buddies, Chiarai, Shinobino and Sonoda are in the same group.

Chiarai: Hey, where will we go?

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⏰ Huling update: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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