Communication 54: "Invitation to lunch."

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Lustrous black long hair...
Clear skin without a single blemish...
As if she's a queen or mother goddess of this earth, her presence is overwhelming.
Komi Shouko.

During class, Tadano listens to what their teacher says and writes down important notes while Komi suddenly heard her stomach making a sound and hit it.
She immediately regret as her face turn red while putting both her arm around herself as Tadano looks at her, wondering and worried about why she suddenly hit herself.
Even she can sometimes happen to oversleep and skip breakfast.


*Lunch Break*

Katai: 'The other day, I made my first friend, The Communication Master Tadano-san. My high school life is going great! Today, I'm gonna invite Komi-san to lunch. Watch me, Master.'

Komi and Tadano suddenly felt chills goes down their spine as they can feel the intense stare from behind them.

Katai: 'Ok, here goes. I've practiced inviting for lunch.'

Komi: Our japanese teacher was kind today...

Katai: K-Komi...

Komi and Tadano stiffens as they both look at Katai behind them.

Katai: 'Gah! I called her out! They're so close! Ah, but, wasn't this too sudden?' ...-san.

Komi: W-What is it, Katai-kun?

Katai didn't respond as he stays quiet...
He forgot what to say.

Katai: 'Tadano-kun's looking at me... H-He's so scary...'

Komi: A-Are you ok? 'Does he want to have lunch together?'

Katai: 'Uhh... "let's eat lunch outside"? No, it's cold. But people will be looking at us here... But what if I annoy her... Anyway, I've got to invite her, uh, uhh...' Let's take this outside.

Everyone got shocked of what Katai said, including himself.

Katai: 'I've done it now... That was too rude. I wish I could disappear...'

Katai walks out the classroom without recieving a reply from Komi.

Komi: ...I'm sorry Tadano-kun, today I'll go eat outside.

Everyone: 'EHHHHH!?'

Everyone, even Tadano is shocked that Komi is really going to go.

Katai: 'Why does it always end up like this...'

Komi: Heeey!

Katai: Hm?

Katai sees Komi running after him, waving her right hand up while carrying her lunch on her left.

Komi: Hey, Katai-kun!

Katai: 'Is this a miracle?'

Katai gets to eat lunch together with Komi.

Katai: 'Awesome! My dream of eating lunch together with someone came true! I bet Master talked me into it that time. Thank you Master Tadano-' Hm?

Katai saw Tadano behind the post.
He came out of worry for Komi.
And it's not only him, some of their classmates is there posing as just background people eating lunch but Katai didn't notice them being there on the background.

Katai: 'Master Tadano!? Why did you come with us, Master!? Ah, I get it. Eating lunch together isn't my only goal. The goal is to have fun and get to know each other better! So you'll be watching me, Master. I-I got this!'

Tadano-kun can't Communicate (Komi-san can't Communicate AU)Where stories live. Discover now