Communication 67: "Choosing School Trip Groups."

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Teacher: Alright, tomorrow we will be choosing groups for your school trip.

Najimi put her foot on her chair as she raise her hands in celebration.

Najimi: Yahooooo! I was born for school trips!

Komi: Eh? For real?

Everyone talks to one another after the announcement, wondering who their group mates would be.

Tadano: ...

*After School~*

Najimi sat at the desk in front of Komi facing her.
Komi looks at a magazine of sort featuring some school trips.

Komi: Ah, Kyoto...

Najimi: An enchanting wonderland where past and present overlap... Heh, I'm looking forward to it...

Komi: Since when did you like Kyoto that much?

Najimi: Tsk tsk tsk. Komi-san, when you go traveling, it's not about where you go, but who you go with.

Komi: It is? I've been to Kyoto before but it's been a while... There's lots of nice things there like temples, shrines, pagodas...

Komi likes old buildings and such, a gap from girls nowadays.

Najimi: Huh...

Komi: 'This onion is not interested at all...' Ah, Tadano-kun, is there anywhere you want to go to?

When Komi asked Tadano, for a while he didn't respond at all which worried her a bit.

Komi: Tadano-kun?

Tadano widen his eyes in surprise, immediately looking at Komi after the second time she called him.
He got a bit nervous and anxious as he writes on his notebook.

Tadano: "Sorry Komi-san, I was spacing out a bit. What is it?"

Komi: Ah, um... I asked if there's anywhere you want to go to.

Najimi has already begun sleeping as Tadano thought about a place he wants to go to.

Tadano: "I want to go to the Game Center with everyone again."

Komi: Ahh, um, I meant in Kyoto.

Tadano: "I want to see the ginkaku-ji."

Komi: Oh, nice! Kinkaku-ji is nice, but Ginkaku-ji is also good. When viewed with the surrounding garden, the overall balance is–

Najimi: –Whatever Obā-chan(Old lady).

Komi: Huh?

Tadano stood up as he told them through words on paper he'll be passing the last paperworks in a bit.

Komi: Ah, okay.

Najimi: Good luck on the way there!

Tadano left with the paperworks and Komi kept an eye on him as he left.
She felt like something was a bit off with him...

Afterwards, the three of them starts to head home.

Najimi: And the tofu is, like, godly tasty! It totally changes just by boiling! It's Kyoto magic!

Komi: Right? Tadano-kun, where did you go for your junior high trip?

Tadano: "To Kyoto."

Komi: Kyoto too, eh?

Najimi: Oh, then it's going to be your second time there like Komi-san. Well, it doesn't matter how many times you go. Kyoto is Kyoto after all!

Komi: What's with that Kyoto obsession of yours?

Tadano-kun can't Communicate (Komi-san can't Communicate AU)Where stories live. Discover now