Communication 63: "Having a Cold."

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Shuuko: Are you really fine? I'm worried about you...

Komi stands at the front door exit, her mom outside the open door.
She's wearing a face mask so she doesn't get to spread her cold.

Komi: I'm fine, it's just a slight fever. You'll be back tonight, right? Go have some fun.

Shuuko: Hmm... Alright. I'll bring my sweet Shouko from the hot spring. Don't pass out, okay?

Komi: Okay.

Shuuko: Alright then, see you later!

Shuuko (mom), Masayoshi (dad) and Shousuke (brother) left home to go to the hot spring, leaving Komi to be on her own room.

Komi lie down her bed, didn't turn on the light of her room and a curtain that let in a little bit of light coming from the window.
She didn't know her fever will get worse than she initially thought it'll be.

Komi took out the thermometer and got 39.2c.

Komi: Geh...

Morning went by, it's now noon...

Komi: 'Oh no... I might actually die...'

Komi's about to cry.

Komi starts hallucinating her mother repeatedly saying "Don't pass out, okay?".

Komi: 'A-Anyway I need to drink...'

Komi took the water bottle beside her on the bed and realized there's no more water left.

Komi: 'I'll die! I'll die... No, no, no! I can just get something to drink from the fridge...'

It took a while for Komi to realize something.

Komi: 'I can't stand up! I'll die! I need rescue!'

Komi took her phone on the right side of her head just in case of emergency.

Komi: 'Najimi! At a time like this I need to call Najimi!'

Komi just open her contacts on her phone.

Komi: 'Thank you, Najimi!'

She didn't ask yet.

Komi dials a phone number and waits for it to be picked up.

Komi: 'Please answer... Thank you, Najimi.'

She didn't ask yet...

Her call finally got picked up.

Komi: Hello, Najimi? I've got a cold. I'm sorry, but could you get me some drink and food...

Komi heard a gasp before the person on the call talk.

Tadano: Ah...

Komi: Tadano...-kun?

Komi subconsciously sit up as she realized she accidentally called Tadano instead of Najimi.

Komi: Ah, no, I've got the wrong number! Don't worry about that! I'm okay, really. I'll call Najimi.

Komi hang up the call.

Komi: 'I messed up! I must have pressed the wrong button. Pull yourself together!'

Komi didn't noticed that she's standing as she calls Najimi.

Komi: Ah, hello, Najimi?

After the call, Komi went back to lying down on her bed.
After a while, Komi heard the door bell rang thinking Najimi arrived as she forced herself up.

Komi: 'It's hard, I fell like I'll pass out...'

Komi went down the stairs to the front door while keeping her balanced with the help of the wall.
She then opened the door.

Komi: Sorry, Naji...

Instead of seeing Najimi, Komi saw Tadano outside the door.

Komi: Ah! Eh... Tadano-kun? Ah, no, um, you'll catch my cold...

Tadano went inside, closed the door and help Komi back to her room.
Komi, lying down on her bed, saw Tadano took off his coat, folded it and put it beside him.
He then took out a bottle from his bag and pours the drink on the cap.
It took a bit longer seconds for Komi to read what's written on Tadano's notebook.

Tadano: "Want a drink?"

Komi: Ah, yes.

She sit up to drink.

Komi: 'It smells like ginger... It's good!'

Tadano: "I'll borrow your kitchen. Please wait here for a while."

Tadano stood up, bringing his bag with him and went downstairs where he remembered the kitchen was.

Few minutes later, Tadano came back with a tray of a small pot with porridge, small ladle, small bowl and soup spoon.

Komi: Ah...

Tadano: "Can you eat a little?"

Komi: Ah, sure.

Tadano took one scoop and put it in the bowl, he used the soup spoon to take a scoop of the porridge from the bowl and bowls.

Tadano: Ahhh...

Tadano slowly offers the spoon full of porridge to Komi.

Komi: Wa-wa... Wai-wa-wa-wait...

Tadano stopped.

Komi: No, um, I... I can feed myself.

Tadano realized what he was doing and got embarrassed.
He passed the bowl and spoon to Komi.

Komi: T-Thank you.

Komi finished eating the pot of porridge.

Komi: Thank you, it was delicious.

Tadano: "I'll go clean this up."

Komi: Ah, yes, thank you.

Tadano took the tray, turned off the light and went downstairs.
Komi lie down her bed.

Komi: 'Got to stay alive...'

Komi found the will to live.

Tadano cleaned all the dishes he used then went back upstairs to Komi's room.
He carefully open her door and check on to her.
He went inside the room, brings her blanket up to her shoulders.

Tadano looked at Komi's hand beside her head, out her blanket.
He hesitated before getting to put his hand on Komi's hand.
It felt warm.

Najimi: Yoo-hoo! Komi-chan, you still alive?

Tadano got surprised by Najimi's loud voice and immediately retrieved his hand to himself.

Najimi: Huh? You came too, Tadano-kun!

Tadano shook his head.

Najimi: Eh? You're not here?

Tadano's shook his head faster.

Najimi: Tadano-kun? Your head will fall off.


Shuuko: Shouko-chan, we're home! Are you still awake?

Shuuko saw Komi sounding asleep on her bed and got relief.

Shuuko: My, she looks fine.

Shuuko suddenly smell something a bit off in Komi's room so she went it to know what it is.

Shuuko: 'I smell a guy.'

Her mother's onto something.

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