Communication 31: "Doing Part-Time Work."

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Tadano picked up a phone call from Najimi.
After that, he went to Najimi's part time work since he answered the call an couldn't refuse.

Najimi: Sorry to disturb you on your day off. People I work with suddenly couldn't come. I tried to talk to them, but they were all busy.

Komi: Are you sure we have to do this?

Najimi: Well it's work so let us begin! I work part-time handing out tissues! I have 5,000 pieces to deliver before the day is out.

Komi & Tadano: !?

Najimi: Well, all we have to do is deliver tissues, so you'll be fine, Tadano-kun.

Komi: Seems easy enough after all... 'Although I'm not so sure about Tadano-kun...'

Najimi: Good! Well, I'll do it over there.

Najimi ran off to the other side of the street, really away from Tadano and Komi.

Najimi: Here you go! Please! Go ahead, free tissues! Someone wants tissue?

passerbys took the packed tissue Najimi offered to them and continued walking.

Komi: Wow...

Komi looks at Tadano to see his reaction.
He starts to be Determined to do it.

Komi: Oohh!

Komi starts doing her own thing, which is also handing out tissues while observing Tadano who's standing still.

Woman1: Hey, isn't that boy handsome?

Woman2: Seems pretty cute to me. What will he be doing?

Woman1: Handing out tissues!?

Woman2: Should we get some?

Tadano starts to shiver, anxiety getting to him being frozen up on the same position.

Woman1: But he's not handing them out.

Woman2: What is he doing?

Woman1: Is he the one who cannot speak?

Tadano took a long pause, before having determination to try again.
Tadano tries handing tissue to passerbys, none took some.
He is about to cry.

Komi: Hey, Tadano-kun.

Tadano looks at Komi after she called him.

Komi: You can do this!

Tadano had cat ears pop up his head as his determination got stronger and tried handing out tissue to a passerby guy on his phone.
The passerby paid no attention, walking pass him.
Tadano's determination immediately deflates.

The passerby realized what Tadano was doing.

Passerby Guy: He was handing out tissues, right? I should have received it.

A girl in a suit is walking out the streets.

Teshigawara: 'I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore. I can't take it anymore. I... I really want a tissue!'

Teshigawara Hoshiko, a girl that really wants some tissues.

Teshigawara: 'My nose is bothering me and about to sneeze. I spilled the cola I was drinking earlier. It is sticky to the hands, I am sweating a lot for the people I will meet. I stepped on a peice of gum and it stuck to the back of my shoes. Judt today I forgot my handkerchief! That's why I really want tissues!'

Teshigawara Hoshiko, a girl who really wants some tissues (Please give the poor woman tissue...)
Teshigawara saw Tadano handed out a tissue to the passerby who was busy to his phone.

Teshigawara: 'Eh! That person, maybe... Is he handing out those tissues? No, but I don't want to go looking for it myself. I don't like the idea.'

Tadano just looks at Teshigwara, which she quickly noticed.

Teshigawara: 'A cute boy handing out tissues is looking this way. Could you give me a tissue?'

At Tadano's vision, he can tell Teshigawara really wants tissue as she's staring menacingly at him.

Teshigawara: 'I really need a tissue. I want a tissue. Give me tissue.'

After a short while, Tadano starts walking closer to Teshigawara and handed the tissue to her, she quickly took it.

Teshigawara: Thanks!

It was obvious that she wanted a tissue so Tadano came over to give it to her.

Woman1: Yes, you are handing out tissues. Can you give me one?

Tadano becomes glad and handed the tissue to the woman.

Passerby1: One pocket.

Passerby2: Here too!

Passerbys starts to get some tissue from him.

Yamai: Yes! If you want tissue, line up. Up to 5 per person!

Komi: Hold up.

We don't know where she came from, but yeah, It's that Yamai-san.

There were two lines splited, one is to Komi who has too many and two is to Tadano, mostly containing girl and some boys, one of it is Sonoda somehow.
After a long while, the boxes of tissues were emptied.

Najimi: You are done with distributing them! It's amazing, Tadano-kun, thank you!

Tadano nodded, glad that he was able to help.

Najimi: I'll give you a third of what the part-time job is worth!

Komi: Najimi-san!?

Najimi: Well, Good job!

Tadano took his leave, although he didn't know why the third part.

Komi's glad Tadano got done with the part-time job with having no difficultis in the end.

Komi: 'Looks like I'm going to be cleaning up then...'

She looks at the pile of card board boxes that's still not folded up.

Tadano-kun can't Communicate (Komi-san can't Communicate AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt