Chapter 43: Midnights Like This

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Results. Again.

I look at Jason who's chatting with Sebastian. Either he's gonna come first, or me. But if it is going to be me, I'll not be happy. Because I'll know that I didn't achieve that. I was made to achieve that. Jason made me achieve that. I'm screwed. I didn't have to tell Jason to give me first position that time.

Fuck. It.

I see a devilish grin on Miss Carlton's face. "Sohini Acharya, ranked one", she says, looking at me. She's smiling. I stand up, clenching my fist. No it isn't me. It never can be me.

"Jason Style, ranked second". I look at him who's already looking at me. Dead eyes. No expression. He must be thinking highly of himself since he gave me his position.

Shit. I didn't want this.

"Sinjini Davis, ranked four". I look at Sinjini, being GENUINELY happy for her. This time she won't get beaten. She looks at me being satisfied and relieved. But- I just can't be enthusiastic. Just can't.

I walk out of the classroom after the distribution of our results, avoiding everyone.

"Sohini", someone calls me from behind and I immediately know who it's. So I dare not to look. I hear the sound of the footsteps approaching as I close my eyes.

I turn around before he could say anything. "You didn't have to really do this. I never wanted this. You didn't have to do me this favour".

He frowns. "Who said I did you a favour?". Huh? "You got it by your own. You really thought Jason Style, the selfish giant, can give someone anything?".

"What do you mean?".

"You got the position by your own. You studied hard and you got what you wanted. It's you, Miss Acharya. So contagious. Next time, it's going to be me".

My eyes smile. I couldn't stand anymore and just keep a straight face so I hug him. He's quite taken aback by the sudden embrace. But he hugs me back after a while.

"You don't know what you said. You just threw a burden from my heart. Thanks thanks!".

"Never seen pretty prig being so affectionate. Are you okay?", he says, smilling.

"No, I'm not okay", I bury my face on his shoulder. But seriously, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WAKE UP, SOH. But before I can even wake up, Jason hugs me more tightly as I smell his perfume. Damn.

Champagne Supernova by Oasis

"It's weird but I feel so good".

"So do I".






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