Chapter 22: She's Pretty Cruel

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"WHAT?", All of them shout when I finish saying the fight of Jason and me.

"So the first fight of you guys?", Tessa asks. What does the mean by first fight? We are fighting since the day we saw each other. We are fighting the urge to kill each other.

"You can say that".

"Sort out", Sinjini advices.

"Just don't lose your self respect", Tessa says.

"Breakup", Shayla says. This more comes out like a order more than a advice. I look at her. "What? He doesn't treat you right. Plus I don't think that you guys can be a good match. Sorry but it's what it's".

I stay silent. I can't say anything cause Jason hasn't told me yet that we're over this fake dating. But I wholeheartedly agree with Shayla. We can never be a good match.

But in the school hallway, in the classrooms I see him sitting with his friends with a stoic expression on his face. But it's sometimes excruciating whenever I think about our fights. I feel perfectly fine but I miss screaming and fighting.

I'm perfectly fine without any orders but then again I'm missing sneaking out, attending parties, shooting daggers at each other.


Diksha is on the another side of the video call as she keeps staring at me. "He's jealous".

"Okay okay.. so? He should never behave with Jake like that. Plus- you know, he can never get over from the obsession of calling me a whore".

"He loves you but he calls you whore. But then again he's jealous too. I think you should talk to him".

Fuck he loves you. Eww.

Lord, I wanted to get away from this shit but why are you tangling me into this more?






Jason passes by me with Asher. He doesn't look at me. I exhale gloomily.

You never thought that you'd miss him, did you?

"Stop making sad gloomy faces and talk to him", someone says and i look beside me. It's Sebastian.

Looking down, I smile to myself. "Hey".

"I know I know. He talked about this with me".

I look at him with astonishment. "He said you about me? What did he say?". I never even thought that Jason would talk about me with his bestfriend. Oh, he can say bad about me.

"Come", he walks as I follow him. We keep walking through the hallway as he speaks, "Jason is stupid, Sohini. Don't mind him. I never heard him talking about Aleena this much. He keeps saying I hate her, how dare she ignore my existence and talk with Jake? He's really hurt at your behaviour. I know he said you alot of things. I told him to apologize. But you know his ego".

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