Chapte 11: Jealousy, jealousy

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One notification from Instagram.

I open my inbox of instragram and surprisingly or not surprisingly see Stephen's text. I also notice that he has sent me a follow request. I think a million times before accepting his request. He's different with me than those other bastards. I follow him back as I text him a "hey" back.

Two minutes later he comes online as he replies me.

Stephen: Oh shit- I didn't think you'd reply me.. what's up?

Me: Nothing really. Wby?

Stephen: same.

I don't know what to say next but then he only continued the conversation by asking random things. Like how many family members I have, my likings and all. I replied to all of them but I didn't ask him back his likings. Stephen is a complete stranger to me.






"What!", Abhipsha gasps after listening to what's happening lately in my life. Abhipsha is my uncle's daughter who's three years older than me. And there's my brother, Rohan, is six years older than me. I'm close with Abhipsha since our childhood but there was some family issue that apart us. But now we are reunited again. My grandmother lives with my uncle only. Actually, our houses is kinda connected. There's a gate from where I can enter into her dining room just in seconds.

"Yes. Now this boy named Stephen keeps messaging me all day!".

"I understand, understand. But that Jason-", she pauses and thinks some words to describe the situation and to describe him. "Anyways, it's complicated. But just smack his harder the next time!".

"Obviously. I won't hold back the next time. Anyways, what's going on in your life?"

Then she explains about her breakup with Dwayne. They were just perfect but- Dwayne was like, we won't poke our nose into each other's private life. She obviously didn't accept it. I wouldn't accept that either.

I come to my room and take out my books to study. Uh! Maybe will have to face an another war tomorrow.






"I hate how my friends talk about you. Shawn doesn't say anything but those two-"

I slam the locker so hard that Stephen stops talking abruptly. "Is this a trick? I don't understand why you're so nice to me!".

Now if this a red flag, then yes it's a red flag. I don't believe when someone complements me or acts nicely with me. I always think that they have something more bad in their mind. I frown in confusion as I look at Stephen.

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