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It's always the close ones who hurt you everytime and then you only chose to love your enemy.

Ruining my birthday wasn't enough for her so she tried to burn me alive. But I kept silent. I kept crying. With tears of rage in her eyes, she grabbed me by my throat calling me by some words which I didn't know. One of them was whore. I'm sorry that I can never become the girl you wanted me to be. I'm better sleeping on my own, mother.

It's me Sohini Acharya, from India. Yes yes, now you guys be thinking why her mother did that to her? I'll be sharing everything. We shifted to London right after my 9th birthday, a traumatizing birthday, when I was 10 years old and now Westminister School is the best and worst part of my life playing the best and worst role in my life. But I don't get tired of this things cause,

I love the drama and it loves me too.

But things have changed after I shifted here. Mother isn't that much of a psycho as she used to be when we were in India. But yeah, you know that beating their child to death and abusing them is a love language of the Indian parents. It may sounds weird to you but that's how they correct our mistakes. But they never take our emotions seriously as they think that it's all natok! (Drama). Atleast my mom thinks that.

I used to have a boyfriend when I was 12 years old although it was an online relationship but yeah, he's my first and foremost. Deepraj will always have a soft corner in my heart.

But now I'm 16 with clear skin, good grades and two close friends. Tessa and Shayla. But yeah, Sinjini who's from India too, has been my good friend since I came to this school. But yeah, she's a big liar and she knows that too.

But yeah, after Deepraj, I felt nothing for anybody anymore and all of classmates are assholes except a boy named J..Jaz.. what was his name? How can I forget his name? Anyways, I don't like to recall my without any reason rival's name. But yeah, he's the topper. So am I but he's the topper of our class and yeah that boy is kinda playboy. But why we're talking about him?

But I always feel like someone I love and adore will betray me. Will leave me. Will kill me. So, I prefer not to love anyone cause love is all about pressure and traumas and endless sleepless nights.

But I want to fall in love only if someone's willing to catch me.

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