Chapter 24: It's a Summer Thing

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I dare not look at her because it's embarassing me as hell. WHAT DID WE DO THE LAST NIGHT?

"Jason Style. Jason Style! JASON!"

I stand up real quick when the teacher shouts at me. She puts both of her hands on the desk. "You seem lost. Are you okay?"

"Thinking about her", Sebastian whispers from behind me as I clench my fist.

"I'm perfectly fine", I reply to her.

"Okay. I'm calling both Jason and Sohini here to solve this sum on the board. It's a challenge. Let's see who can do it faster".

I look at Sohini who sighs as she gets up and walks towards the board. I walk too as I smirk at Sebastian. I've to win. I can and I will.

I hold the chalk between my two fingers as I look at Sohini. But there's something upsetting about her today. "Go" the teacher shouts as we start to do.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy, man.

I finish the sum as I look at everyone and then at Sohini. My mouth is opened widely when I discover that Sohini solved the sum first. I feel defeated. She says nothing as her expression stays neutral. She walks to her seat and I'm still standing looking at her face.

"Wow. That was real quick. I need this competition and spirit in each of you. Jason, you may go to your place".

I take my seat as I turn my head to Ses. "What's wrong with her?", I whisper in his ears.

"You may know. She's your girlfriend", he whispers back.

And then I decided to ask her after the end of this class.






There's she's standing infront of her locker, fossicking. Sebastian says to me, "Go and talk to her".

"What I should say? You know after yesterday we didn't even talk".

He side eyes me. "You said you guys kissed each other. Then why she's so upset".

Don't remind me of that, man. I wish I could tell you the real thing. But sadly, I can't until this month.

I notice that her friend, Sinjini, comes to her. She talks rapidly while she's standing still and her expression is unaltered. She's just nodding at her words.

"Hey hey hey, may I go and ask Sohini?", Ses says jerking my arm. I give him a sidelong look.

"Bro. She's my girlfriend".

"Man noooo, like can I go and ask Sinjini about her? It'll be easy".

"Not at all, buddy. Let's go".

We stride towards them and I'm being scared of getting cursed at by her. I see Ses smiling at Sinjini as she smiles back. Well well well, now speak up.

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