Chapter 8: Insecure

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Blah blah blah. They're talking shit for the hell of it. I don't care bout the rumours anymore. I know who I'm. Whenever I walk into the school, every bitches be like "bro, it's her again. Shameless bitch! Whore!". As if they aren't sucking dicks of ten men at the same time. Okay okay! Let them bark.

I enter my class and see Shayla and Tessa already there. I put my bag on my seat as I take my seat, facing them.

"You're again late!", Shayla says, annoyed. Tessa nods agreeing to her.

"Lol. I woke up late. Anyways-"

Jason and Asher breeze in the classroom, talking with eachother. My eyes swift towards them and I notice how gorgeous Jason is looking this morning. Uh- just focus!

"Ohhhh, you checking him out or what?", Shayla smirks. Tessa too.

"No no, it's nothing like-", I stop when the teacher comes in. Shayla and Tessa leave and I wave at them.

Maths class aren't always boring if you understand it. Suddenly, I feel something fly across my head. It's a damn paper aeroplane! Mr. Hudson casually solving the sums on the blackboard. He stops abruptly when the paper plane touches his bald hair.

Mr. Hudson turns around and picks up the aeroplane which is lying on the ground. My eyes roam around the room to see everyone's expression. All the students are utterly shocked but Jason Style is more shocked than everyone else in the room.

Mr. Hudson opens the paper plane and starts reading loudly, "bitch you make me hurl".

Someone gasps, someone laughs. I stay still on my seat, trying to figure out if it's Jason's and Asher's doing. They are covering their head with their hands. Uh- they shouldn't act like that. They'll get caught-

"I want to know who the hell did that?", Mr Hudson asks in a calm voice. "JASON STYLES AND ASHER BROOKS! COME!"

I roll my eyes. They show that they're the pros. Huh. Look at you now walking towards the teacher with your head low.

They both stand infront of the teacher. But I see them holding their laugh. Uff! What the hell- wait. Why am I so panicking? It's their problem. I just want to enjoy.

"Bitch you make me hurl! What's that? I need an answer!", Mr Hudson shouts even more. It's a song by Eminem, by the way.

"Sir- it won't be repeated-", Asher says but he laughs midway. Damn. Jason tries to stop him but he's low-key smiling too. These two are going to die!

"Meet me in the office room later-"

"Sir", I stand up. Do I want peace in my life? Hell nah. I pace towards them and hold my breathe. "I think you're going to punish the wrong people". Three of them look at me confusedly.

"What? Why, Acharya?"

"Actually the paper plane- I made it fly".

The classroom gasp even more. All know it was them. The teacher knows too. But it's okay to save your enemies sometimes.

"What? I don't believe it. Stop trying to save them".

"It's true!", I pick up the paper and fench my notebook. I try to write the same as Jason's or Asher's handwritting as I show it to the teacher. "It's only me. Spare them. I don't want to cause them trouble".

"You both seat on your places", Mr Hudson speaks calmly. Asher quickly goes but Jason stands a few seconds, staring at me as if I've done a great miracle. He fixes his tie as he goes too. "You too meet me in the office later".

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