Chapter 18: Dear God, am I cursed?

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I reach home at 10 pm with my mom. She seems proud. My body falls on the couch as I look at my mom, smilling.

"Oh, so this is Jason Style. Ha? He's cute".

I roll my eyes. "Mom? He's my enemy. Please. Don't you dare to-"

"Enemy or future husband?", My brothers says as he sits beside me. "So, you guys won?"

"You sister was literally fighting with that boy. But he looks really good!".

"You never tell me that I'm beautiful, mom. Please. He's so irritating and a fucking narcissist".

"Aww. But he's yours. Enemies to lovers, hm?"

"Oh god", I huff as I go my room only to collide with my bed and thinking about what happened few hours ago. It feels really nice.

My phone rings and I see it's Jake. Oh shit. I've totally forgotten about my matter.

"Hey Jake. Any news-"


"Oh- uh- yeah. Thanks. How you knew?"

"I saw".

"You were there?", I smile.

"I was there watching you the whole time. I see you dazzling under the lights. I'm so glad that you won, Sohini".

I feel- what? "Thanks, Jake. I'm happy that I indirectly punched him in his face. What's up by the way?"

"Everything's cool actually. I'm still working on your matter but no clue".

I sigh. "I see. Are they still talking shit about me?"

"A little bit. Not like that day. I think no one's interested in this matter now".

"Yeah. That's good then".

"Um, bye". He hangs up the call as I stare at my lockscreen. Now what to do?

I text my girls.

me: they have to kiss our shoes tomorrow. Are you ready for it?






I go to school early today just to see Jason. I was about to enter into the classroom when I bump into him only. This morning is filled with warm rays of the sun and i know something good is going to happen. The classrooms are empty now. Only few students has come. I see Jason rolling his eyes as he walks past by me.

"Jason", I call him from behind. "Did you forget already what you've to do?"

He stops walking as he turns back to look at me. "Are you really going to do this? I didn't know that you can take this so far"

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