Chapter 17: Black & Red

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Going to school with several cuts on lower arm and a bandaged fist is kind of cool right? Baddie vibes? Shut up. It's traumatic.

I meet with Shayla in the hallway as I quickly hide my hands behind my back. "Hey babe!"

"Hiiii, you seem upset. Did something happen?"

"Uh- nothing just family problems you know. Meet you after the second class, okay?"

"Okay", she says, as she gives me a flying kiss and I fake smile at her. I enter into my class and see Jason sitting on my seat, tap tapping on the desk. I go near him.

"Get up, coconut tree".

"Oh you're here, piglet!"

"What the heck? Prig was cute!"

"I'm not here to give you nicknames, darling. Today you'll make Aleena so jealous that she has to stab her eyes. Got it?". I sigh and then notice Jason's eye on my hand. I hide them again.

"I thought last night you were overreacting. Come on, let me see-", he says, dragging my hand.

"No- Jason-"

"Girl..", he whispers seeing my fist. He rubs his thumb gently on my hand. "Now who did this?"

"I did this only".

He seems utterly puzzled at my words. "Why?".

"Who are you? Just my fake boyfriend. You don't have to care for me or know about my personal life. I'll make Aleena jealous. Now get up!", I whisper the word fake so that no one can listen. I feel disappointment in Jason. He retires to his seat and watch me without blinking.

He just doesn't have to know about my life really. This is just for one month then everything will be over in a snap of a finger.






I was only talking with Shayla and Tessa when one of the teachers starts to announce something on the speaker.

"All of the students from 10th grade gather in the assembly hall in fifteen minutes".

I look at my friends. "New trouble?"

They look at each other and then look at me as they both say at the same time. "Or new fun?"

We all congregate in the assembly hall and all the students are whispering words to each other. We are all curious to know what will the teacher announce. I see Jason and his friends entering in the hall. He winks at me when he notices me. I move away my gaze from him. Stupid jerk.

The teachers come after a while. Everyone stand still, looking at each other. The teachers offer us a gentle smile. Mrs Carlton stand infront of the microphone.

"To my lovely students. I'm glad to announce that next Monday a debate competition will be hosted in our school premises".

A debate competition? Wow. Seems really exciting.

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