Prelude 2

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"Hmm" a small voice hummed as the 5 year old mumbled to herself as she looked up at the bare ceiling, her futon covering her body before she slowly sat up, holding her teddy close to her chest before she got up.

"Oni-chan" Aika mumbled opening the door, but she soon whimpered looking down the dark corridor before she hugged her teddy and made her way down before she stopped at a door as she heard muffled voice but opened it anyway.

"Akito" a small voice mumbled while the dark haired girl eyes widened as she looked from her hold in shigure's arms, she sighed before smiling slightly

"Aika, What are you doing? Your suppose to be napping" Akito stated coming out of shigure's hold while the boy simple sighed heavily.

"I couldn't sleep" Aika mumbled holding her teddy in her hand, a princess one as Akito chuckled slight before patting her head.

"It's okay" Akito stated though as she looked down at her sister she noticed her eyes somewhere else, on someone else as she looked back up at Shigure

"Hello there" Shigure smiled down at the small child and Aika eyes beamed with excitement as she looked up at Shigure while Akito glared at the boy.

"Hi, I'm Aika" she mumbled looking down and messing with her dress nervously as Akito fist tightened before she roughly grabbed the younger girls hand as Aika gasped.

"It's time for bed" Akito started grabbing the small child while Aika's eyes widened as she got dragged away while Shigure smirked at the scene.

"Jealousy will ruin us all" he mumbled with a slight smirk.

"Huh?" Aika stated looking to see Akito hugging a small boy, one who has silver hair as Aika gripped her princess teddy tightly before she ran away and towards her room before she fell on the bed.

"Aika" a voice soon stated as the small girl looked up from her bed, Akito stood their smiling at 11 years old while Aika smiled.

"were gonna have some dinner" Akito said more like an order as Aika simple nodded sitting up while Maids came in and started setting things up as Aika smiled.

"Oni" Aika mumbled sitting opposite her older sister as Akito simple nodded, bowl in hand as she ate "Who was that boy?" she asked mumbled


Aika eyes widened as she looked to see her older sister slamming the bowl down after Aika has asked, she gasped once she saw the look in Akito's eyes

"Stay away from him Aika, He's my friend. Not yours" Akito stated sternly while Aika eyes were wide in fear before she slowly nodded.

"Yes Oni-Chan" Aika mumbled looking down

"Aika" Akito stated as she stood in the small child room as she looked up from her book to meet her older sister eyes while she wore a dead expression, Aika looked up in concern.

"Are you Okay Oni-chan?"  Aika asked standing up while Akito shook her head as she saw Aika smiling at her before Akito started to smile looking her younger sister.

"I'm going to have lunch with Yuki today" Akito stated while Aika stiffened looking to see that Akito was smiling before she pattered on her head "You can ahve lunch on your own" Akito stated while Aika nodded

"Okay" Aika stated with a nod while Akito nodded and walked away, Aika watched her with a frown as she looked down.

Soon Aika was sat there in the garden looking out at the sky while her untouched food sat beside her before she looked to the side to see a figure coming towards her before she smiled.

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