Chapter 17

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"This is a pleasant surprise" Shigure smiled as he sat in front of Kazuma, while Kagura sat at the other end of the table. Kyo sulking in the corner as Aika stood in the hallway with Yuki "How have you been?"

"Fine, Thank you and i hear that the novelist has been treating you well" Kazuma replied with a smile.

"Aha, I get by" Shigure laughed as Tohru place a cup of tea beside Kazuma as he smiled

"Thank you" Kazuma smiled at the girl who also returned that smile. Aika signed in the hallway as Yuki looked at her. 

"What's wrong?" Yuki questioned the white hair girl who looked up at him. 

"I just don't know how to address him, I mean he's not my Sensei and when i did see him i use to just refer to him as Mr" Aika said with a frown while Yuki smiled. 

"I'm sure if you just called him by his name the that should be okay" Yuki laughed before he grabbed the girls hand, dragging her to the sitting room. 

"It's good to see you. Sensei" Yuki smiled at the man as Aika stood behind Yuki nervously as she messed with her dress.

"Hello There, Yuki. You're so much tall then i remember, you've grown. You as well Aika, Last time i saw you, you were so small following either Kyo or Yuki" Kazuma smiled at the girl. 

"H-Hello Kazuma" Aika mumbled coming from behind Yuki as the man smiled, Tohru became confused. 

"Oh, Tohru. Sorry this is Kazuma Sohma. The family's marital arts instructor" Shigure introduced as Aika just looked towards Kyo, Concern on her face "He's taught Yuki, Kagura here, Haru and others and he is Kyo's master"

"Oh i didn't realise" Tohru mumbled

"If you don't mind, May i please call you Tohru?" Kazuma questioned turning towards the girl who eyes widened at the request

"Oh! Yes, please do!" Tohru exclaimed in shock while Aika chuckled at the girls request. 

"I've heard a lot about you, I believe you know about the Zodiac spirits?" Kazuma questioned as Aika eyes landed on Kyo "Ah but how much?" he questioned while Aika signed

"Hey, Kyo" Shigure began "Maybe you should stop sulking in the corner and greet you master you haven't seen him since you trained in the mountains have you?" he finished

"I-uh" Kyo began but his eyes trailed to Yuki as he looked back. Aika frowned even further at the situation as her fist tighten as Kyo walked away. 

"Is something wrong?" Tohru asked concern laced in her voice while Aika simple place her hand on her arm and looked towards the garden 

"Could you tell me which room belongs to Kyo?" Kazuma questioned while Tohru nodded and explained were his room was. he followed 

"Awe how cute" Kagura states while both her and shigure chuckled "Kyo is actually really happy to see Sensei, he just won't show it especially with Yun-chan" Kagura finished while Aika still looked out at the garden.

"It's going to be a terrible night" Aika mumbled to herself with a sigh as she looked up at the sky that clouded. 

"Yuki" Aika stated walking into the silver heads room with a frown on her face as Yuki looked at her in concern standing up. 

"What's wrong?" Yuki questioned coming towards the girl as she simple walked further into the room as she hugged herself beside the window

"Tohru will find the truth about Kyo tonight" Aika stated with a frown as Yuki eyes widened as he walked closer to her and the window

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