Chapter 40

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"I'm sorry for coming and barging in like that" Aika stated with a frown as a towel was draped over her head as Kakeru looked at her.

"Don't worry about it, but what's wrong?" Kakeru questioned as Aika's eyes widened as he looked at Aika in concern before his eyes widened on hearing a cry.

"It was all a lie!" she cried as Kakeru shot towards her and kneeling in,front of her as the girl cried "All of it was lie!" she screamed loudly as Kakeru's eyes were in pain for her.

"Aika, Calm down" Kakeru said his hand reaching out towards her face as the girl stiffened as she looked up at him.

"Kakeru" Aika cried while the boy just rubbed her cheek in comfort knowing she doesn't like hugs "My Oni-chan told me that something and it turned out she lied" Aika stated with tears coming down her face.

"Is this the reason why you can't stay with me?" Kakeru questioned as Aika's eyes widened as she looked at him in shock "Emi told me" he stated

"I want to, Kakeru all i want is to stay with you" Aika began to cry as her hands reached for his shoulders "All i want is to be with you!" Aika shouted as Kakeru leaned towards her

"And that's what i want" Kakeru stated as he leaned his head against Aika though soon his phone went off "I'm sorry i will just ignore it" Kakeru stated while Aika shook her head

"No Answer it. I'm fine" Aika stated with a smile while Kakeru looked unsure but went towards his phone and soon left the room.

"I want to be with you and i am going to" Aika stated before she grabbed her coat

"Yeah she's here Yuki" Kakeru stated in the other room with a sigh as the boy on the other side let out a breath of relief "What the hell happened?!" Kakeru exclaimed in the phone

"I don't know, All i was told that Aika had disappeared" Yuki stated with a sigh as Kakeru nodded along with him.

"She was crying" Kakeru stated before he heard a gasp on the other end of the phone while he sighed "I know as she came in the rain" he stated

"You should be careful, i was told that she fainted earlier" Yuki stated as Kakeru nodded along with him

"Yeah, will do. See ya" Kakeru stated before he let of a loud sigh and soon made his way towards the bedroom though his eyes widened as he saw his bed empty

"Aika?" Kakeru questioned before he made his way down the stairs and looked at the door to see her shoes gone as his eyes were filled with concern.

"Aika" he stated with wide and sad eyes.

"Aika, Your here" a voice stated as the white haired girl stiffened before she signed looking over at the dark haired girls who eyes were wide with relief though she held a knife "I knew you would come back to me" she smiled

"I'm not coming back Akito" Aika stiffened her face dead like ignoring the knife in her hand while Akito's eyes widened.

"W-What? Y-ou have too" Akita mumbled as her hands shook violently as Akito stopped, her hands going to her face "Your all leaving me, the bonds are breaking" Akita mumbled while Aika's eyes widened

"Bond's breaking? Has some peoples curse broken?" Aika asked eyes wide looking at her sister who was shook.

"I'm special!" Akita screamed while Aika screamed.

"That's what you think, Akito you have been treated like your special all your life. What about me?!" Aika suddenly screamed as Akito stopped and looked at her.

"Akito! I wasn't meant to be born, i was told numerous times by the maids that our mother gave birth to me as a tool to go against you, Our father never held me! Never once told me i was special, it was alway you! And then there's you, you made me act like a nice girl because that what i have to be, i was forced to stand by you because that's my duty but my whole life all i wanted was people to see me, People to think i'm special!-Ha" Aika stated before she gasped.

" Your so special" Kakeru voice rung out.

"I do have someone" Aika stated with a slight smile as Akito's eyes widened on seeing her smiling "I have someone who loves me for me! Who sees me as someone special" Aika shouted before she grabbed her bag.

"And i don't need you anymore" Aika mumbled walking past Akito who's eyes widened as she felt the thread breaking.

"No!" Akito shouted before she grabbed her sister arm, dropping the knife as the girl eyes widened as she looked back to see the crazed look in Akito's eyes widened.

"You need me!" Akito screamed before her hand went to the white haired girl neck, wrapping them around it and pushing the girl down as Aika gasped "You all need me! You do! I'm special and our father knew it! And you will" Akito screamed tightening the grip

"Ah!" Aika let out as her hands struggled against the older sisters hands, she trembled in fear, tears streaming down.

"You will stay with me!" Akito screamed while Aika's eyes began to roll to the back of her head and her hands fell to the floor, though the grip soon vanished as Akito gasped, feeling the thread break.

"N-No" Akito mumbled as she stopped, she gasped seeing the bruise on the neck before she cried loudly "Your curse is broken" Akito mumbled before she gasped loudly and grabbed the white haired girl's head.

"I'm sorry" Akito mumbled rocking back and forth as Aika's unconscious body was held by her before her eyes widened 

"This is her fault, all of it is her fault. Tohru Honda!" Akito screamed as she grabbed the knife she had dropped and ran out of the door into the pouring rain as Aika laid there unconscious. 

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