Chapter 16

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"You think you failed? Your going to have to go in sunday Emi" Aika signed as both her and her blonde best friend Emi walked down the school corridor after they had come from the canteen

"I know! I tried, i just hate test!" Emi screamed another milk carton in her hand while Aika sighed at her friend before she gasped

"Wait what happened with that guy we went on a date with?" Aika asked while Emi looked at her with a frown. 

"Well i had to let him know i'm set on marrying one of your cousins" Emi stated with a skip while Aika signed and looked at her friend while another person walked by

"i wouldn't get your hopes up-" Aika stated before she accidently bumped into someone, thankfully it was a girl "I'm sorry" Aika stated before her eyes widened meeting  brown eyes reminding her of someone else

"It's okay" the voice muttered as Aika smiled at her while the girl eyes widened.

"Here" Aika smiled as she grabbed some of the books that had fallen to the floor. The two girls stood up as Aika passed her the book. 

"T-Thank you" the girl muttered while Aika still smiled at her, though that was soon interrupted as another voice came into the mix. 

"Machi?" a voice questioned as Aika turned to see Kakeru stood behind her as he looked down at the other girl.

"uh, Bye" The girl known as Machi stated her dark hair flowing behind her as she walked away, Emi signed as she leaned against the wall. 

"A friend of yours Kakeru?" Emi questioned as Aika looked at the boy, her eyes widened on seeing the sadness in his eyes. 

"Nah my sister" Kakeru stated as both girl eyes widened looking at her "Well my half-sister it's complicated" Kakeru stated while Aika looked at him. 

"I'm tired!" Emi stated changing the subject as she began to walk away, behind Aika and Kakeru walked beside her. 

"Kakeru" Aika stated as the said boy looked over at her with a smile "I'm the same, Well i mean i have a sibling and itgs well really complicated" Aika stated with a sign before she smiled at the boy. 

"I just wanted to say your not alone" Aika smiled before she walked away leaving a blushing Kakeru stood in the middle of the corridor unknown to him Aika walked away with the same expression.

"Huh?!" Aika shouted as she walked into the kitchen, her eyes wide as she saw Kyo by the stove. she dropped her bag in shock "W-What is happening?" Aika asked in shock. 

"Tohru is sick, So Kyo is making her something to eat" Shigure stated as Aika nodded before her eyes widened.

"Tohru is sick! Oh no is she going to be alright, shall we call Tori or-" Aika began but was interrupted to the hit of the head that cause her to fall to the ground. 

"She's fine, She's just going to rest. Geez you making a big deal out of nothing" Kyo stated with a sign as Aika frowned. 

"Okay" she mumbled before her eyes sparkled "Shall i make dinner-"

"No!" Both Kyo and Shigure shouted as Aika frowned even further as she made her way out of the kitchen. 

"I'm going to change the see Tohru" Aika stated with a frown as she walked away, picking up her bag on the way. 

"Tohru!" Aika shouted as she ran into the room, though she stopped as she saw both Kyo and Tohru stood there. A blush on his cheek as Aika eyes widened "Oh- Am i interrupting something?" 

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