Facts/ What happened next

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First name: Aika
Meaning: Love Song
Last Name: Sohma
Birthday: 29th December
Age: 16
Height: 156.2
Weight: 44kg
Blood type: B
Likes: Books, Her family, Sweet treats,spicy food and crepes
Dislikes: Bitter foods, mean people.

• Aika was born out of jealousy, Ren thought another night with Akira will get his attention back.

•Ren actually held Aika unlike Akito but once her planned didn't work she disregarded her

• Akira loved Aika the same but because Akito was the god, he did treat her differently.

•Aika tried her hardest to be there for Akito once their father died.

•Aika knew Akito was a girl but was told to keep it a secret. Akito grew envious of Aika as she got to live as a girl.

•out of the older Sohma's Aika was close to Shigure due to Akito and she grew up with him around

• after the night Aika was locked in the room, she would always be in there spending days to weeks. She hardly got out.

•Aika actually ran away once but soon she was found and thrown back in the room.

•Akito never hated Aika, she was just scared Aika would leave her and reacted the way she did.

•Aika is claustrophobic and is afraid of the dark due to been locked in the room.

• Aika never blamed Akito because neither of them were taught was is wrong and right.

• Aika was close to both Yuki and Kyo due to their circumstances.

•Kyo see's Aika as more of a sister then anything else while Yuki see's her as his first friend.

• Aika only went to the banquets when Akito allowed her which was rare so she would sneak out and play with Kyo.

•Aika never went to any school or had any sort of education, just the books she read but she always scored very high.

• Aika learned songs to sing from the maids who also sing while cleaning and she loved it.

•Emi has just moved to Kaibara and that why she didn't know anyone. So she introduced herself to Aika on the first day

•Kakeru at first only liked Aika for her looks, like most people but once he grew to know her loved much more.

•Kakeru was actually jealous of Yuki when he first met him because he thought Aika and Yuki were too close. That why he teased him and was mean at first

What happened next:

•Aika and Emi still stayed on contract through the years and their kids are friends

•Aika and Kakeru moved in straight away once they got to college.

•Akito and Shigure visited quite frequently at first as Aika and Akito wanted there relationship to be better.

•Kakeru and Shigure get along quite well actually, we're Akito and Kakeru can argue over Aika attention

•over the years Aika made sure that they saw Machi and Yuki a lot to help the sibling relationships.

•commonly Yuki, Aika, Kakeru and Machi will spend New Years with each other, we're they will See Akito at Christmas

•Aika is always ring Tohru for help in cook and always makes sure she talks to Kyo a lot.

•Kakeru asked Aika to marry him at the crepe shop there first date was and they only had a small wedding.

•Aika didn't find out about Momiji and Emi till they came to the wedding together.

•Aika wasn't able to sing properly again but she went on teach kids Music and singing

•when Aika realised she was pregnant, she was scared worried she wouldn't be a good mother but it was Akito who told her other wise

•Kakeru was over the moon when they had a daughter, he was so happy and when he saw her he claimed he wanted more Kids.

•Aika actually fell pregnant again when her oldest daughter was the same Age Akito was.

•Aika cried when she realised that she had two girl, two daughters and sister. Kakeru was happy as well.

•Aika thought that history is repeating itself but in a happy way.

•there kids call Yuki, Shigure and Kyo uncle as well as Akito, Machi and Tohru auntie.

•Emi did want to be an aunt, she wanted to be the kids best friend which Kakeru denied.

• Aika and Kakeru's okdest daughter is her close to Shiki where the youngest is closest to Emi and Momiji daughter.

•Aika and Kakeru are happy and they remain together.


Name:Seiki Meaning: Star and beginningLast name: ManabeAge: 16

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Meaning: Star and beginning
Last name: Manabe
Age: 16

Name:Seiki Meaning: Star and beginningLast name: ManabeAge: 16

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Name: Misa
Meaning: beautiful bloom
Last name: Manabe
Age: 10

Thank you so much! For all your love and support on this book! If you have any questioned or comment about the book or the character please let me know! And I will answer them. Once again thank you!

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