Chapter 10

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"Woah woah" a voice shouted in the class as Aika signed leaning her head in her hands as her very loud blonde best friend shouted.

"Yep" Aika mumbled while Emi eyes glistened with love as she held her hands together.

"More Sohma's are going to grace the school corridors. Can my life get any better" Emi mumbled with a blush while Aika signed

"Yes, Momiji and Haru" Aika stated with a smile while Emi gushed even louder with a smile before she frowned looking at the door

"There they are" Emi mumbled sitting in her seat while the white haired girl looked confused before she saw some first year boys stood at their door.

"I told you not to help them, now they are gushing all over you Aika" Emi groaned head in hand as Aika smile sweetly at the young boys.

"No! Stay away! She is mine!" a loud voice echoed as both girl looked startled to see Kakeru pushing the boys away.

"Hey you can't just say that!" the first year boys started shouting back as Kakeru looked at them with a smirk before he placed his hand on his chest.

"Oh yeah, well i have being on two dates with her! Can't say the same for you" Kakeru smiled while the first years gasped before they signed.

"This isn't over yet!" they shouted and ran away. Both white and blonde hair girls dumbfounded on seeing the victory smile on Kakeru's face.

"I should be off, I'm going to greet my cousins" Aika smiled while Kakeru watched her leave the room, concern written on his face.

"Huh? Is everything alright?" Aika questioned walking towards the crowd with a smile while they all looked at her with a sigh.

"Aika" Tohru smiled while she walked over with a smile.

"How are you both?" Aika smiled looking at her younger cousin, her smile widened "Wow Momiji you look really cute" She smiled again.

"Huh! You think this is cute Aika Sohma!" a voice shouted while she looked up to meet the stern eyes of the president.

"Oh good evening President. Is there something wrong?" Aika smiled while the man blushed looking at her before pushing his glasses up.

"Yes! The outfit is against the rules! I swore to uphold these rules-"

"Shut up" a voice ringed out while Aika sighed loudly looking up to meet the dark glare of Haru who glared at the president.

"I thought i had shit on my shoe, but your what i was smelling" Haru glared while the president screamed on seeing the scare side. Aika simple smiled.

"You can't speak to me like th-Ah!" the president shouted before he fell to the floor.

Aika watched with a smile as Haru continued to shout at the poor president who became more and more scared. Haru managed to convince the other girls that Momiji is cute as well as president by using Yuki as an example as well as arguing with Kyo.

"You are quite the formidable opponent, Mr Hatsuharu Sohma. but can you prove that your hair is without a doubt it's natural colour! Hmm!" the class president shouted

"If i have to" Haru mumbled before grabbing the boy by his tie, Dragging him to the toilet.

"Ahhhhh!" a loud scream echoed while all three of Yuki, Kyo and Aika sweatdropped at the action as Haru came out with a smug expression.

"Fine you're the victor of this day! But each of you will feel my retribution!" the president shouted before running away, the two girl following after him.

"So how did you prove that was your real hair colour in the bathroom?" Tohru questioned as Aika froze, she looked at the brown haired girl in concern.

"Easy, if you'd like, i would be happy to show you" Haru smiled while Aika face blow up before she ran towards him.

"No you will not!" Aika shouted hitting him on the head gently as Tohru gasped. Both Yuki and Kyo signed in gratefulness.

"Aika" Haru mumbled hugging the girl as she signed as well "I feel tired" he mumbled rested a head on her shoulder.

"You're tired? I'm exhausted" Kyo mumbled as Aika smiled at the interaction,before the bell rung. Haru lifting his head.

"Oh right. I need to talk to Kyo, Yuki and Aika" Momiji smiled while the white haired girls eyes furrowed once she felt Haru let go of her.  Tohru smiled a she left.

"What's this all about?" Kyo questioned while Aika looked at the blonde in concern.

"We've got a visitor" Momiji mumbled as Aika looked more and more confused before her eyes widened in horror.

"Akito is here"

"Apparently, Akito up and decided to visit the school" Haru finished off as Aika eyes were wide with fear and shock.

"We thought it would be best to warn you two" Momiji finished before Aika gasped. All the boy looked at her in concern as she started breathing heavy.

"It's  my fault" Aika mumbled as Yuki and Kyo stiffened as they saw her look up in fear "I'm the reasons Akito is here" though Yuki soon walked away.

"It's not your fault" Kyo mumbled patting the girl on the head before he looked at the two other boys "Let's get going" he mumbled.

"What did you mean? It was your fault?" Kyo questioned walking beside Aika who fiddled with her fingers as she shook.

"I lied" Aika mumbled as she looked to the ground "I told Akito i wouldn't make any friends, that i wouldn't-" Aika stopped as she looked out the window in surprise.

"A-Akito" Aika mumbled from beside Kyo as his eyes widened while the two looked down to see all three of Akito, Tohru and Yuki.

"No" Aika mumbled before she ran off leaving Kyo at the window glaring down at the scene.

'Akito can't be here! No! Please no!' Aika thought as she ran down the hallway passing a certain blonde

"Aika?! Where are you going?" Emi shouted though she was met with no answer, Emi looked to the side to See Kakeru stood their with a worried expression.

"Akito" Aika mumbled while all their eyes widened as they looked to see the white haired girl out of breath.

"Aika" Akito smiled while the girl walked towards them, she looked at Yuki in concern

"I didn't realise you were coming, I would of shown you around" Aika stated with a smile while both Yuki and Tohru stiffened

"That sounds nice" Akito smiled as they walked away. Aika looked back

"Go" she mouthed while Yuki's eyes widened before grabbing Tohru hands and rushing away.

"She's ugly" a voice ringed out while Aika stopped she frowned before placing a smile back on her face

"Come on Oni-Chan. She isn't" Aika smiled though Akito didn't reply they simple looked up and smirked at the glare Kyo was giving to Akito

"Aika!" A voice called out while both Akito and Aika turned to see a certain brown haired boy running toward them.

"K-k-kakeru" Aika muttered to her self with a stutter while the boy made his way over

"I was looking for you. We have class" Kakeru smiled while Aika looked back at Akito.

"Don't let me stop you" Akito stated with a fake smile while Aika shuddered with fear enriched on her face as she froze in fear, Kakeru looked at her

"Come on then" Kakeru smiled grabbing Aika hands and pulling her away though as he did Akito glared at him furiously while Kakeru looked back with the same expression.

"Don't worry Aika"

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