Chapter 23

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"Hello" Aika smiled walking out of her room of the Annex, she stood in-front of Yuki and the rest. She looked around her eyes widened "Is Kyo not here?" Aika asked almost in a begging manner.

"No, He's with Akito right now" Yuki stated as Aika eyes widened before she looked back down the corridor as a frown appeared on her face. 

"I hope he's okay" Aika mumbled as she looked to the floor. Both Haru and Yuki frowned as Aika looked at Yuki "Did he try to fight you?" Aika questioned looking at Yuki.

"That stupid cat always picks a fight" Yuki stated looking away with a scowl while Aika frowned looking to the ground remember

"Aika, I did something fun today"Akito stated with a smile while Aika sat next to her, accompanied by her school uniform while she wore a confused face. 

"What did you do?" Aika asked with a smile while Akito looked towards their younger sister with a smirk

"I made a bet" Akito stated as they looked away and towards the garden, Kimono slipping "With that monster" Akito finished as Aika flinched looking up at Akito

"What sort of bet?" Aika asked with uncertainty while Akito only laughed 

"He seems to think he can beat Yuki, What a joke" Akito laughed while Aika flinched further her eyes falling in a frown "I said if he can i won't lock him up" Akito finished with a laugh. 

"Kyo, he can be free if he beats Yuki?" Aika asked with wide eyes as Akito looked back down at the white haired child. 

"Yes, But that won't happen" Akito stated before they placed their hand on Aika's head as the girl stiffened "You won't tell anyone will you?" Akito asked

"Of course not" 

"Aika, Are you okay?" Yuki asked standing in front of the girl, Hands on her shoulder as the girl eyes widened 

"Yeah, I'm fine.. But if Kyo here that means" Aika began before she stopped her eyes widened as she looked at Yuki "Tohru!" She shouted eyes wide in concern

"She's still at the beach house" Yuki stated with a frown while Aika looked at him with a frown. 

"And she is all on her own" Aika mumbled before she signed and made her way towards the door, Haru and Yuki's eyes widened 

"Where are you going?" Haru asked while Aika placed her shoes on after looking up at the boys with a smile

"Akito said i could go back to the beach house, I'm just going to go a bit early" Aika smiled as she opened the door, she signed loudly and looked at her cousins 

"I will be fine" 

"Tohru!" Aika shouted after she walked into the beach house, she became more confused as she didn't hear anything though as she walked into the kitchen, she titled her head with a smile "I'm guess your going to the beach?" Aika asked looking at the girl who readied her beach stuff.

"Oh Aika, You back early" Tohru smiled towards the girl as Aika returned the smile. 

"Yes, I thought you wouldn't want to be on your own" Aika smiled at the girl as Tohru eyes widened before she returned the smile. 

"Thank you, Do you want to build sandcastles?! Kyo said i'm getting better" Tohru exclaimed while Aika simple chuckled at the girl. 

"Wow you must be if Kyo said so" Aika smiled as they headed towards the door. Tohru chuckled at the girl.

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