72. Nascent Of Bliss

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Taking the cue of clinking silvery shrine bells at a distance and the peal call of Pakshi-raja, she maneuvered her way towards the Uma-Shankara temple as the Nandighosha steadily advanced against the Arabian sea. Far into the other ends of the rosewood plantations, developments of hie and hurry were noticed as the fauna screeched- serving as the harbinger.

"Something tells me that you shouldn't be the one holding up guards once we encounter your kinsmen," Satyaki spoke, bombastically side-eyeing the approaching hullabaloo and then Kanha who pandiculated at his place, looking stultified and inattentive.

"One must heed their intuitons when in a conundrum." Kamalnayani snorted, continuing to steer away as a couple chariots and a valiant set of cavalries hindered their way. Yuyudhana saw her grip clench against the leather reins as her molten gold hued effulgence was overcasted by lividity, "Oftentimes, the human psyche is honed enough to weigh the pros and cons of a circumstance and the aftermath too. The fight-or-flight response is an example."

"I'll take that as a yes. Good heavens! You mirror Kanha's speech, I am not here to decode reasoning."

"I have realized his parlance isn't obscured either." An almost cynical look had come upon Kamalnayani. Satyaki could not fathom the depth- "It's just that mortals need to be presented with analogies and metaphors from time to time in order to comprehend the grave comeuppances of their actions. He does just that, but turns out our children aren't as witty as we deemed them to me. I am impressed by the level of morosis, it has certainly climbed to its zenith."

-so he pretended he did, shrugging. Of course, how could his Sakha's beloved be any different than him? Plus, roasting was a love language. He would pay to see the roast battles between the both of them, with all honesty.

"I am going to sleep. I see you have been handling the affairs just fine." Kanha rubbed his eyes with a lackadaisical fist, leaning further against his seat as Satyaki stared at him incredulously.

"What? When I took away Rukku and Mitraa, and when there was mayhem at Lakshu's self choice, I also took care of the exit because I did the deed. Mohini is the one kidnapping me, so mitigating the uproar is her job now. You may assist her, I would advise that." The lord of the three worlds stated with a smirk as he slipped into his yoga-nidra, seeing AdiShesha roll his eyes at the shenanigans before he arrived for the rescue too.

It was then that the moon began chasing the sun.

Padmajaa glared at her spiritual brother as a shuddered breath escaped her, urgency and a hint of sangfroid in her stance. Nothing could go against her if she wouldn't wish so, and neither could her confidence be shaken this easily.

"Let him be, Satyaki, defend till we reach our goal. I know naught of my fury, we don't want anything and everything on fire."

Between the cacophony of ammunitions and astras and a celestial chant of hymns, the Vrishnis and Saurashtras were stationed against each other. As Halayudha and Kritavarma and a troop of the Narayani Sena took cover, Shri and Hari dismounted their car and walked inside the sacramental altar hand in hand.

"In life and in death, beyond these bodies do we stand as one."

Beneath the chandelier and in the toasty eventide sunbeams, Kanha and Hridayaa were each other's once more.

Drauni found himself at the aperture, panting, as Aishani offered him a hand. Together, they stood as the eclipse slowly came. Fearing the inauspiciousness, Raksh quelled when Dhrishtadyumna and Satyajita chided him for his ignorance. They had put down their spears, refusing to go against their sister.

"In disease and in health. In dharma, artha, kama and moksha."

The festoon weaved of crimson roses fell against and around a scarlet veil, and then another went around a conch like neck of a certain Chakradhaari. Avyaya held all his magnificence at once, one that was and is and always shall be beyond that of gazillions of stars and deities known to mankind. Krisha did not dare look anywhere apart from his irises of hazel tincture, and to him the sun was poured into the mold of a pulchritudinous woman.

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