28. Trouble In Paradise

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The hush of the night settled in, and so did the noirceur. The city of the lord was sound asleep, another day of bliss and elation having wore on as the divine pairs retired to their antechambers. Wishing his wife a good night despite being fully aware that sleep was miles away from her, a notorious Kanha dived into slumber.

Kamalnayani blinked at the ceiling and an inaudible sigh passed through her soft albeit a bit chapped lips. Whisking her eyes to her husband, she was relieved at his serene frame, his ever enchanting face bearing a mollifying smile; unlike her who was troubled at all times by actions that weren't her own.

Bile rose up, so did the tears that stung her eyes and along with them came feeble rage that mauled her alone. She gingerly rose from her bed, making sure she hadn't woken up Krishna and swathed the upper half of her body in a mauve shawl. The curtains swished gently, the bellowing eagres of the sea alluded to her own dilemma and she shook her head, making up her mind.

The oak door was pushed open almost timidly, a head peaked outside before she entirely stepped into the tenebrous aisles decked in devil's ivy. What Kamalnayani missed was a brawn frame hindering the path of the sapphire rays hanging in the firmament. It did well to blend into the vicinity but eventually rose.

The daughter of the ocean leaned against the naked phase of the balcony that gave the view of her father. Pulling the silk duvet closer to herself, she closed her eyes and brushed off the agitation that spilled redundant. A movement in the corners rose her hackles, and so did the sound of approaching footsteps. Disappointed in herself for not noticing till the silhouette was too close, she reached out for the dagger well buried in the folds of her ensemble but her jaw dropped when the clouds left the trail of the moon and the ether brightened.


"Ma- Dhruvi?" Balarama bit his tongue and shook his head, screwing his eyes shut. He then treaded closer and shook his head in acknowledgement when she folded her hands to greet. "At this hour? Is everything alright?"

"Couldn't sleep." The reply came out hoarsed and she had to clear her throat to put up an image of being pink. The Dvaraka prince bobbed his head, understanding, as she looked at him expectantly too. "Oh." He pursed his lips. "I've been. . . restless given to this quandary. I was wondering if you'd help me with now that you're too wakeful for your liking too?"

However obstructive and reticent the nightfall was over them, Balarama was not unmindful of the rising zemblanity beside him that stood in the form of a cursed maiden. The goddess of fortune mutely bobbed her head.

"When the Prithvi saw the advent of Shri Mahalakshmi in the form of Vaidehi Sita, an astrologer revealed that she had exile inscribed for all her life- I am sure you must have heard of this tale."

She hummed, "I have."

"When she was to be crowned the Queen, she followed her husband and his brother in the forest. She was abducted, went through the agni-pariksha and when she became the empress, she had to leave Ayodhya for the dignity of her husband and her own self respect. Whom would blame for whatever wrong she went through? Shri Rama? Dasharatha? Kaikeyi?"

"No one," Kamalnayani husked devoid of an iota of uncertainty, her eyes scrutinising and easily distracted. Balarama smiled almost victoriously. "The test of modesty was conducted so as to shun the mauvais enquiries of the society which is adept at victim shaming. However, everything did go south in the end.

As you said, AyodhyaMaharani left Kosala. RamaPriyaa didn't because Ramachandra never let her go. Though separated physically for duty demanded so, their love is beyond material understanding and I believe humans have no right to question the lord himself. Viewing divinity through human perspective is foolishness, equal to blasphemy granted that moral demarcations are being transgressed.

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