57. Amidst Dubiety And Faith

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For the pious, they were saviours but for the devious, they seemed no lesser than precarious hungry tigers ready to pounce upon them!

Shakra and Surya had each other's backs, circling around two Asuras who swung their massive blades around once before charging towards the Adityas.

The life supporting gods had transformed into bringers of death, Yama's messengers who put the unvirtuous to apt punishment. It was a lesson for all, that violence had come in handy, and was inexorable in certain circumstances. Agni and Vayu battled equally with vigour and kapata, dripping blood from every pore which wasn't theirs.

Ahimsa indeed was the foremost dharma,
But for the sake of dharma, making use of himsa was even better. Krishna hadn't given out a foreign knowledge to Arjuna, he had just reiterated what the Parabrahma had taught Maharaja Manu in order to raise a human race who had morals, principles and a sense of righteousness which surely wasn't a set of rules and regulations to be followed.

The firmament was coated in onyx smoke and sounds of celestial weapons, never once ceasing to take a rest. The rush and the meteoric pace at which the situations moulded themselves drove the warriors nauseous and fretful all at once, anticipation bubbling in them at what the future held for them in its womb.
The war had stretched for about 2 dawns and a dusk now, and clearly the Devas were having the upper hand.

After all, Shaktis were with them.

The impending sunset came as a harbinger of voraciously devouring murk for the DitiSutas. They had lost the battle, fuming in rage and panting in agony that the Devas had played unethically and for the first time, weren't easy to trick. It was perpetually believed that the righteous never made use of trickery, but the most unswerving tree in a jungle was the first one to be chopped down. It was its fate. Mirroring this very act, the law of the world was constructed. Only the one who was ready to warp themself to the changing winds and prove themself the strongest would be surviving.

But there was something the demons were pretty sure of, that their master won't observe any sort of peace treaty after this.

However, Vikral was blissfully unaware of all the happenings that came crashing down on his brethren. Cocooned by Asura women who possessed enrapturing looks and madira clasped in their slender fingers, he laid in his harem. It was just like how flames functioned, warmth and pleasure giving, but ravenous and lethal. Now it so happened that the AsuraGuru stomped in just at the moment, his face inkling little of the cyclone spinning in his sagacious mind enclosed in the vengeance he nursed for the gods.

"Hell indeed has three gates." He gritted his teeth, disgust evident in his demeanour as his wrinkled eyes took in the sight of the dim light, messy bed and his nostrils flared in the scent of alcohol and aphrodisiacs which irritated them. "Lust, anger and greed. I see all of them in you, Vikral. You and your men are doomed, I wish you'd not have been so myopic."

"Gurudeva," Vikral drawled, throwing his head back as one of his forced women, decked in precious jewels, traced the corner of his lips in a rather sensual fashion. "What is the hurry? Our troops are all fine and dandy, and we shall..." he hiccuped, then flashing a sheepish simper towards the Guru who snorted at his ignorance.

"They've been annihilated, you bloody oaf."

Vikral screwed his eyes shut at the haze overpowering his vision, both psychological and literal but alas none of it dissipated, neither in the present nor in the coming future, "What?"

"The Devas were aware of your plans and they procured better astras and shastras for the battle," Shukracharya tsked pitifully, releasing a breath he didn't know he had been holding for pretty long, "Half of the troop you had sent for overtaking the heavens perished in a matter of 4 prahara. Is this the power you boast of?"

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