10. Fetters Of Fret

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She was floating on clouds when she saw the extended families coming to the city of Kampilya, having spent a splendid dusk together with a blue beauty who was her latibule. Vahnijaa was fidgety because of the outburst and very much in chaos, but it seemed as if nothing had happened for they smiled benignly at her still. The antsy of her eyes gave way to an abrupt relief, falling serene and exhausted by the defense she had put around the mind.

A collective subtle chin dip ran across the dining hall, and the Pandava Yadava compadre were in an inside grasp that the princess was kept out of for comforting reasons.

"You look stunning." Draupadi beamed like twinkling stars, her classically kohl lined eyes of doe blinking reassuringly at her sister who hesitatingly skirted around. Then the empress frowned when she came to closely study her, "Come come and also tell me what kind of diet is this? How thin have you grown?"

"First let her come Krishnaa. Aye little tornado, come sit." The crown prince teased, patting the chair beside him as she pinched him on the arm, emitting a yelp immediately.

"Ai- Jiji!"

"Praise be to Mahadeva. Dhrishta and Krishu- both of you, discipline!" Shikhandini fussed shooting an admonishing look to her siblings as they were gifted with mirthful glances. This was the pristine sibling camaraderie. "One meal, one meal I want in my life with peace but it seems as though I can't have it with the both of you around."

"Peace out, Mother!" Dhrishtadyumna threw his hands up in the air, followed by Kamalnayani who deadpanned as guffaws erupted on the table. Shikhandini heaved an annoyed sigh and Drupada fondly shook his head.

"How are you now Krisha?" Yudhishthira softly initiated as Kamalnayani rubbed her eyes, blinking quite a few times to keep the strain at bay, "Did we end up bothering you a lot? God, we are truly apologetic if we did. It's just that a little trip with family was dearly missed and you- there's so much to share with you and everyone here."

"I am good, Prathama Bhaginipati. And please do not apologize for you did not trouble me in any way." She responded almost buoyantly as the former eased up. "The feeling is very mutual. It was great getting a day off."

The boisterous Vayuputra chuckled too, "Alright."

"You people say it or not, but this Prathama, Dwitiya, Tritiya, Chaturtha and Panchama Bhaginipati thingy is very cute," Krishnaa commented, giggling all the way. "Oh really, Jiji? Do you want any cute nicknames too?" Shri elbowed in jest and the former threw her hands up in surrender.

"Absolutely not Krishu. Do not make me a prey of your excellent humor." 

"Maatri- Maa- Maatrish-"

Kamalnayani snickered at a few adorable attempts of the little one of Yudhishthira and Draupadi, feeding a morsel as he jutted out his lip. Prativindhya was a mirror of his father - tranquil and somber, but he simulated the first Yagyasaini. Sleek dark tresses came up to his shoulders and his complexion was that of molten gold, robes in prussian blue gracefully cladding his lean anatomy. This was the first Upapandava, the perfect amalgam of the flames and fortitude.

"Matrishvasa, Jyeshtha!" Shatanika piped in, a hint of mischief gleaming in his charcoal irises as he too took a seat on his aunt's lap, placing a kiss on the back of her hand before bowing theatrically. "Or, Matulani."

"Oh my god." She gasped playfully, booping his nose. "You are just a little short of three and your skills- I'll assume those are Bhrata Nakula's genes introducing themselves." Vibrant laughter bubbled from her as the Madrinandana flipped his hair, pleased.

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