38. Aeonian

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"Begone!" Kanha raised a hand, smiling knowingly as soon as Kamalnayani walked in with a bowl of aushadhi cupped in her palms, her lips adorning a frown she didn't even consider masking from him.

"Is Mohini angry with me?" He asked, after some moments of silence when she settled by his feet and he sat up too, his legs still outstretched.

"Just as you know, I thought someone had a penchant for walking around with blisters and cuts on their feet. That's why, it took me 24 hours to approach you because for once I thought you'd like to do it yourself but no..." She snorted, gently placing the bouts of medicine over the blisters. He had not for once thought how it pained her too.

"Is that it?" The amused smile on his visage never faded as he gazed at her and she too, sensing his gaze turned a light shade of crimson.

"You think it's fine to ignore your wounds?" She hissed, pretending to be angry and the heat of her cheeks vanished.

"Something's troubling you," he whispered, quite successful in diverting her attention as she sighed once again. "Mohini, tell me. The burden is always lessened when shared."

"I... I am seeing weird things." She looked up from the completely wounded bandaged, "I don't know what they mean, Kanha. When the Khandava burned, I was seeing some other forest being reduced to ashes. Someone's being cursed, I am seeing it repeatedly. Someone...he was crying, Kanha. I don't know who but his heart shattering bawling as he sat by a corpse..." Her eyes moistened as she bit her lip, taking in deep breath. "Apocalypses. Is it some harbinger?"

"Calm my love, have you tried seeking help?" Kanha crooned, stroking her hair as she shook her head.

"Not yet, I was wanting to let Bhrata Sahadeva know. We are getting along quite well, and he is a fine tutor too, but I don't mean to trouble him."

"He'll be more than happy to help you. Approach yourself, you are the one who needs help. Rest, leave in the hands of your Hari. He shall take care of it all." His eyes held a soft sheen that she couldn't help but feel tranquility deluge over herself.

"It's getting quite late," Kamalnayani continued, looking at the moon. "Krishnaa Jiji will surely call us for dinner now. Do you want to walk around with these feet?"

"Can you get me a new pair, lovely Mohini?" He raised a brow, seeming so pleased with himself as she rolled her eyes.

"Shut up, Kanha!" She shot back as he laughed heartily. Kamalnayani cracked a smile too, this man! She spun around to exit but missed the little oil puddle, credits falling into the hands of a mischievous Nakula and equally exhilarated Draupadi.

Swoosh! Kamalnayani could swear she saw her life flash before her eyes as her upavastra wrung around her, and the hapless desperate hands missed the wall. With eyes screwed shut, she waited for the firm floor to meet her face before strong arms grasped her petite frame in a gentle yet strong grip.

Kamalnayani found herself in the illecebrous orbs of the enchanter, his dark skin a sharp contrast to the glint in his lotus eyes as he himself was pulled into a reverie, peeking through the windows of her soul, her honey-brown eyes. He was kalon, a man of twisted morals, amusing leelas and righteousness, no matter what it cost. Retreating from Mathura? Well, not before vanquishing Jarasandha 17 times. He established the thalassic city of Dvaraka, reason being the halted growth of the mighty lunar dynasty, more specifically DevayaniSuta Yadu's when the mauvais monarch of Magadha wouldn't just cease with his ambushes. Raas kreeda? She didn't consider it to be unchaste, like his foes did. His multiple loves? Oh well, he was a divine exception after all. Wasn't he?

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