27. Kanha's Disquietude

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"Mmm... Krisha, your culinary skills are fabulous! Just taste this one . . . " Bhima shut his eyes in ecstasy, savouring the delicacy which melted off easily in his mouth. He had slapped Nakula's sneaking hand around his ksheera, then the latter sheepishly grinned engendering giggles from all of them.

Kanha's favourite was literally everything he could see on the table. He, Dau and Subhadra were now indulging in a mini fight for the churned butter. "Arre but my wife made this! How do I not have the right?" Kanha had argued to which Subhadra stuck her tongue out. The teasing grins of her brothers-in-law, brother and sisters did not miss the eyes of Kamalnayani who had coughed her embarrassment away.

"My Bhabhi first! Plus, I am the youngest one."

"Arre but Subhadrae I am the eldest one, you should not eat that much or else you will grow fat. Who will marry you then?" Balarama countered, taking the pot of makhan from a distracted Kanha who stared at him with betrayal.

"But Revati Bhabhi did marry you, right?" Subhadra asked innocently as a blushing Revati laughed. A flushed Balarama went back to eating when Kanha contrived to get the butter from his grip.

"Enough the three of you." Rohini chuckled serving equal amounts of all of it in their plates as they glared at each other. "It doesn't so well to spark mischief every now and then. Share, there's plenty."

"Bhrata Kanhaiya should learn it and not swarm around Bhabhishree Kamalnayani whenever I spend time with her." Subhadra jutted her tongue out and ducked her head when an incensed look was thrown her way.

"Mission impossible," Nakula muttered from his mouth full of sweets and Kamalnayani blushed a deep shade of beetroot.

"Thank you Bhratashree." Kamalnayani replied, feigning a cough so as to distract everyone from her cheeks. "It had been quite a while since I cooked so I was a bit dubious of it. I am glad it turned out just fine. Had Mata not been there, I wouldn't have been cook all of it in time." She casted a grateful look towards Devaki who patted her cheeks.

"The magic is in your hands, little one."

"Krisha, do give me the recipe afterwards," Bhima said with his mouth stuffed, a bowl secured in his hands. A gentle giant indeed, Kamalnayani smiled before shaking her head positively. "You will give me, right? Oh and yes, I am serious about you coming to Indraprastha because it has been seriously aeons. Or, next time we come to Dvaraka, you are accompanying me to the kitchen," he continued.

"Perhaps you have forgotten how she set the kitchen on fire the last time you both set out to cook together, Aarya." Draupadi giggled as Kamalnayani facepalmed when the people bursted out. "I do NOT approve of this duo. Everyone, Aarya Bhimasena and Krishu together are chaos manifolds."

"In my defence, I was seventeen for the love of Shri Narayana!
Oh and yes, Bhrata, I'd love to get some more culinary tips from you. I am still firm on that." Kamalnayani nodded while serving Devika the laddoos, despite her being full to the throat. "Arre Sakhi have them, you haven't had enough and these are light on the stomach too!"

"Sakhi, you are truly very dramatic." Devika chuckled interrupting her flow of breathless rant, fondly shaking her head.

"Jyeshtha, is everything alright?" Nakula nudged a lost Yudhishthira who was seated just opposite the Shivi maiden but they hadn't even managed to make an eye contact let alone vonverse without flustering. As Yudhishthira coughed, a swift Devika passed him a chalice of water.

Take care, Maharaja. Her eyes seemed to say as they gazed in each other's way.

Kamalnayani gaped, a tad bit confused as Mitravinda confirmed her doubt with a blink of her eyes, glancing at the manifestations of Yama and Shyamala simultaneously with a broad smile. Kamalnayani barely hid a grin, pursing her lips as she saw an amused Draupadi witnessing the same along with a naughty Vijayaa smirking.

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