Part 26

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Lisa POV

I'm heading to my classroom when university dean called me to wait on her office. I'm hella curious, the first thing come to my mind is maybe she talk to her dad to get rid of me in this university

And I'm not wrong when I see a man wearing an expensive clothe and I know it is Mr. Kim the way he walk and his expression is like Jennie. I think Jennie get that from him. I wonder what her mom look like.

I bow my head when I see him. He look at me with no emotions...and suddenly she smile "Lisa right?" I nooded make him smile. What's the matter why she's smiling? She handed me an envelope, I'm hesitant to accept but I got scared when he glare at me.

I get the envelope and he sign me to open it. I got shock when I open and see a scholarship in HS University. One of the most expensive and famous university like JK University. I heard they they have the best academic and health education and best known photography school world wide. Actually I try to get my luck there through applying for scholarships because of my photography hobbies, but unfortunately I didn't get it that's why I'm here in JK University

What is this? I ask but Instead of answering my question he handed me a letter

I read it and the letter said I'm going to transfer in HS University, I sigh I Know it! This is Jennie plan

If you thought that it is Jennie plan, no your wrong " he said like he read my mind. I was about to speak when he cut me

I'm doing this so she will realize soon" He said smiling at me. Realize soon? What he mean? I didn't speak and just nooded since it' HS University is my first choice before JK University. I bow at him and about to leave when he called me again

Lisa. When you arrive to HS University there's is someone who will accompany you to your dorm" I shock.

Dorm? I asked. He nooded and said "that's your new house, it's free, I already take care the the ownership.

He give me dorm? Why? ....ahh maybe he fell guilty of her daughter did to me.

Your gonna start your journey in HS University next week, after I finish your files" he said handing me another envelope. I bowed again to her and leave

As long as I leave to dean office. I curious open the last envelope he give me before I head out. I shock when I see a money and there's a wrote inside

"Take that Lisa, it's my apology to what Jennie did"

I'm right he doing this because he feel guilt on what his daughter did. I keep the envelope and hurriedly run to chase the first class because I'm already late

As long as I arrive at classroom the teacher sign me to sit on my seat and continue to teach it's like she know why I'm late

Where did you go buddy? I thought you already here" Jisso whispered while her eyes still at our prof. "I will tell you later, but for now focus on the class " I said and she just nooded

As long as the bell rang, Jisso hurriedly tugged me going to the school park. We sit on the bench and she start to asked me.


Mr. Kim called me" I shortly said

What! Why?. Jisso food fly in my face when she shout, "oh my God sorry" she said when her food is on my face

Aish....jisso eww" I get the tissue and wipe my face before answering her questions "She want me to leave the university "

Wha-- I put the tissue in her mouth cuz I know she will shout again "I'm sure it's Jennie wants" she said when she get the tissue from her mouth

No! That's what I thought too. But it's look like Mr Kim read my mind, he told me that he doing this because he wants Jennie to realize something sooner" I said making Jisso face turn to confusion

Realize? She said while munching her chicken. I just nooded cuz even me I don't know what he's mean

But you know buddy, I think she like you" Jisso words make me whip my head in her direction for a seconds. Everyone never thought of Jennie Kim liking me or am I likeable enough for her.

"Erase that. She didn't like you. She love you". The word love cuz me to choke mentally. This girl is fucking crazy, she saw how Jennie hate me and still she had a guts to tell that Jennie love me.

I curve my brows to act I didn't get what she mean but deep inside it's clear like sky. "Your talking nonsense" I stand then leave. Why she's so noisy?

But does Jennie really love me or even like me?

It's look impossible right?

To be continued

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